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Oh shit! I didnt know it legalized? is it not just medical? In the southern states that "legalized" they still bust you, and they make it REALLY hard to get any weed anyway. Kentucky "legalized" but will not open any dispensary or let you grow.... so you cant buy it legally. and even if you could, you can't transport it or mail it. Sheesh.
Its been medical for a long time....rec got voted on and approved last year. Went in effect this year. They keep changing the rules for rec...and personally I think its worth it to maintain a med card still.
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statistics show opiate deaths at 4 times the rate per 100k people than firearms death in the US, but in cannabis states the rate is 25% less on opiate deaths and some types of firearm deaths.. Interesting perspective.

Since opiate deaths are currently going up nationwide at 19%, that means the controlling factor for cannabis states is a net decrease overall. Curving the national average.
statistics show opiate deaths at 4 times the rate per 100k people than firearms death in the US, but in cannabis states the rate is 25% less on opiate deaths and some types of firearm deaths.. Interesting perspective.
Interesting, indeed. More interesting is the fact that our government keeps fighting back against SAFE canna, but are in bed with TOXIC pharma..... Strange.....
Its been medical for a long time....rec got voted on and approved last year. Went in effect this year. They keep changing the rules for rec...and personally I think its worth it to maintain a med card still.

I moved out of WA a month before the legalization vote. That's my luck. But I wouldn't trade my little piece of earth for anything.

I been all around this country, and I just love the land where I'm at the most. Best culture was no doubt, Bellingham WA though. I miss those guys....

statistics show opiate deaths at 4 times the rate per 100k people than firearms death in the US, but in cannabis states the rate is 25% less on opiate deaths and some types of firearm deaths.. Interesting perspective.

Since opiate deaths are currently going up nationwide at 19%, that means the controlling factor for cannabis states is a net decrease overall. Curving the national average.

I think them 25 percent people actually use cannabis as medicine, or too replace the medicine, the problem arises when people start abusing tablets too get high, education is needed too state getting high on cannabis is ok but opiates should never be used as a sources of recreationally, but then there’s thing called addiction,, there not good tablets, I prosnally think we can treat many elements with cannabis and we could replace the crisis, but then there’s the pharma companies taking advantage for medical cannabis selling it. and not doing the reseach into medical cannabis and every terpene and cannaboids, otherwise the other business pharma will fail. It’s a hit and miss with cannabis too treating particular problem, like me for example I need pain relief and anxiety relief, a high thc works wonders on pain, but not so good on anxiety. That’s why I’m growing up too 9 diffent starins lol,
There's an obsession with large mouth bass south of the border that I don't understand other than the fact that they have a lot of money available in tournaments , because largemouth bass are the worst eating fish in the world and by mid summer their as wormy as can be . gag Not on my plate ,sooner eat perch or crappies than bass . :thumbsup:
I like catching them because of the fight. Same with the many varieties of carp that swim our rivers. If I had to catch one to eat, It'd be walleye, saugeye or white crappie.
How is everyone today? Here it looks like they never could get me in for an earlier appointment to fix my tooth, I've been without antibiotics for a week and the pain is getting worse. Monday can't get here fast enough for the original appt they made.
howdy peeps :pass:fish on friday vegan monday :shrug:

guinness is a funny thing,take a look around the bar if nobody else is drinking it dont touch it.go to a bar that that dosnt have rusty pipes or ul end up with the runs :help:

Afternoon Archie:pass:

I moved out of WA a month before the legalization vote. That's my luck. But I wouldn't trade my little piece of earth for anything.

I been all around this country, and I just love the land where I'm at the most. Best culture was no doubt, Bellingham WA though. I miss those guys....

Yea..the pacific northwest is a cool spot. I like it up here....the weather could be a bit better...but everyplace has that small town feel, people mind their business, cost of living is very reasonable.

:bighug:Afternoon bushy. Sorry to hear about the tooth pain. :pass:
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