Ok, I'm all high and shit, but... the moon makes cold light! of course it's warmer in the shadows of trees under a full moon (maybe cloud less night) foliage helps hold the heat.... had to stop... gonna Crack a rib..
Fun trip... definitely! Still odd walking in... every time I hear someone say it's blah blah this or that... my mind is lIke, shhh fuckin' not so loud!
that put a smile on, up here in the village folks still act like it's illegal, it's like an aquired body language that needs to be unlearned with a little freedom of expression
Absolutely not! I haven't been buying so I could get my indoor stuff together.... 2 months worth of not buying... admittedly, I'm a pretty heavy smoker. And I'm not fond of low end... twice that of street prices. Ol' moonbeam browns gotta get his cut.
that put a smile on, up here in the village folks still act like it's illegal, it's like an aquired body language that needs to be unlearned with a little freedom of expression
Unfortunately, in the greater kalifonika expressing ones self can get ya in a lot O' trouble. Same life, different reason to keep your head low and mouth shut. Am planning an escape back to the us... Sacramento just (8 months) raised the gas tax 12 cents per gall, and they already are talking of taxing by the mile as soon as possible... now how do you think they're going to do that? GPS tracking.
that put a smile on, up here in the village folks still act like it's illegal, it's like an aquired body language that needs to be unlearned with a little freedom of expression
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