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Quality use of the word bahookie.......i use it a lot in " get off ur fat bahookie and get ben the kitchen to make ma t ,is ma kilt ready am gawn oot the boys fir a smoke an that[emoji111]

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As I have mentioned I have had the privilege to know a fair number Scotts.
What a people, love them to bits and their culture & use of words.
I had a friend that when he saw something he really liked would use the expression "Hector Nectar" and of course in a scott's accent.
Nothing makes me smile more that some calls someone a "wee fanny" it cracks me up every time.
Who doesn't find neds in a comedy situation hilarious but maybe not so much in real life eh!
I also love chewin the fat and still game, although some of the episodes from the last two series have been a bit week have been a bit week!
Restless natives and Gregorie's girl are both brilliant films as is Whisky Galore.
Call me a sado but i even enjoyed "Take the High Road" when i was a kid, for some reason it called to me, seeing Scotland was so different to where I lived but that Sneddon was a prick eh?

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Feeeenix brother, thanks bud!!!:bighug::pass:
It's great to be back, I hope all is well with you m8!:smoking::d5:
Loving those money slang terms and that some really interesting info on a lid etc
The UK has been metric since I was a kid but we still by pints of beer at the pub and the speed limits are all in Miles per hour.
Hash has alway been sold in imperial weights 1/16, 1/8,1/4,1/2 of an ounce, even though we get 1/4 key bars of hash we still call them 9 bars, which are getting on for but not quite a 1/4 Oz short of 9Oz.
America on the other hand is imperial but it seems metric like you say is becoming more common when buy herb.
Funny world is it not?

Over on this side of the pond. funny is turning into bizarre. Was hoping we would stay in the eejit stage and have us all laughing at ourselves and each other by now. Nope.

But you are so right. Funny world, And you are just the guy to dig out the best in it for our enjoyment. Really is good to see you back in form.

Now that we got the money straight, what the heck is a googly? :rofl:
Over on this side of the pond. funny is turning into bizarre. Was hoping we would stay in the eejit stage and have us all laughing at ourselves and each other by now. Nope.

But you are so right. Funny world, And you are just the guy to dig out the best in it for our enjoyment. Really is good to see you back in form.

Now that we got the money straight, what the heck is a googly? :rofl:
It's a cricket term best to let Youtube explain as I not a Cricket fan.

Good afternoon guys and great stuff arty you do a lot of internet trawling for are amusement your a star pal
Thanks pal much appreciated.:d5::smoking:
I have always been an inquisitive person and i love learning new things whether it be for humor's sake or just to increase my knowledge of the world around me.
Over the years I have accrued a lot of knowledge, on a vast array of topics, with which I can dip into whenever needed and what I don't know, I will research, so that I do know!
I have become a dab hand at internet searches, it is all about the key words and the order you use them, after awhile it becomes second nature and I can usually find what i'm looking for !
I am known for being able to dig out obscure info on topics that aren't widely brought to the fore and to be honest i love to find out that kinda stuff.
It also is great for getting a conversation going and we do talk about so many interesting topics in Live Stoner, it makes it a pleasure to while away a few hours here, with a cuppa and a vape.
I learn just as much from you guys too about different cultures around the world and just love that.
If i don't learn something new each & every day, i consider I have wasted a day!
There are topics which sometimes defeat me but they usually are pretty obscure but at least i know i have made the effort to try and find out.
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As I have mentioned I have had the privilege to know a fair number Scotts.
What a people, love them to bits and their culture & use of words.
I had a friend that when he saw something he really liked would use the expression "Hector Nectar" and of course in a scott's accent.
Nothing makes me smile more that some calls someone a "wee fanny" it cracks me up every time.
Who doesn't find neds in a comedy situation hilarious but maybe not so much in real life eh!
I also love chewin the fat and still game, although some of the episodes from the last two series have been a bit week have been a bit week!
Restless natives and Gregorie's girl are both brilliant films as is Whisky Galore.
Call me a sado but i even enjoyed "Take the High Road" when i was a kid, for some reason it called to me, seeing Scotland was so different to where I lived but that Sneddon was a prick eh?

I only actually understand about half of what those people are saying and its still feckin funny!!
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