Nutrients FullDuplex abandons the Fox....

Little update had the camera out tonight and i know its only been a few days but things are taking off. Im loving this BioTab kit so far. Plants are a nice dark green as i like them. @Waira you know how i am with the color of the leaves during veg. Im getting as dark as i did when using the Grow Big so that lets me know the N levels are good, but i know its a mobile element so if its there itll get taken up by the plant.

@FullDuplex Bro, question about soil hope i dont off-topic this. If i want to make my own soil, buy everything and do it from "ground-up", do i need to "cook" it for a few months in order to get the best outcome possible? I read in one of your post that you give "plant material" that the soil consumes during this time that you cook it. Did i missunderstood? What are this plant materials that u feed the soil to "keep it going"? hopefully i got everything fine.
I fucked up buying a soil i wans't supposed to use with AN nutes, and i'm thinking if making my own soil for my next grow or trying coco (second meaning expending more on the coco version of the an nutes).

On Topic: Incredible how healthy all of your plants looks man, great job.
@FullDuplex Bro, question about soil hope i dont off-topic this. If i want to make my own soil, buy everything and do it from "ground-up", do i need to "cook" it for a few months in order to get the best outcome possible? I read in one of your post that you give "plant material" that the soil consumes during this time that you cook it. Did i missunderstood? What are this plant materials that u feed the soil to "keep it going"? hopefully i got everything fine.
I fucked up buying a soil i wans't supposed to use with AN nutes, and i'm thinking if making my own soil for my next grow or trying coco (second meaning expending more on the coco version of the an nutes).

On Topic: Incredible how healthy all of your plants looks man, great job.

Not off topic at all. Thats why were here, this was my base with biotab assistance. They offer a great starter kit for base un treated soil, i just knew that its what i needed to super charge mine.

If your going to build id suggest the following:

Medium: Black Gold or Roots. Anything that has pretty much no nutrient value. That way you dont come in hot.
Perlite: Always add some, never hurts to have it, promotes drainage and allows the roots to move.
Source of NPK....blood and bone meal, something along those lines or the starter kit from biotabs.
Calcium Carbonate for soil pH and calcium in the soil
Epsom salt for magnesium.
Baby oat cereal

Now i grow in my soil and reclaim it. Period. The only thing that i remove is the large base stem. Break up the root ball and let it basically compost. During that time i will add the amendments that i mentioned above at small doses. until i get about 50 or 60 L of soil. Add in the startrex from biotabs and a few other Myco items that they have. Then its bake time, or let it compost. The active microbes in the soil will react to the baby cereal and multiply. Like fucking wild fire. I have pics i posted of the myco grows those were in the actual TUBS of soil.

The soil becomes active and i place old fan leaves and other plant matter from harvests into the soil. It reclaims it adding to the health of the soil. I think that is why the health of my plants look the way they do. Just some TLC man.

Cheers on the compliments too. Really appreciate that.
Little update on the peppers that are going in the BioTab gear.

These are doing fantastic and seem to love both the environment and the soil. Lighting is doing its thing as always @PlatinumLEDTom so i think that your peppers will do just fine under the 150.

I have 2 successful pollination's on the cross. The Jolokia showed flower first and opened so i snatched some pollen and applied to the F2 cross. Had 2 mature enough flowers to remove the pedals and expose stigma/pistil and remove the immature stamen. Dropped the pollen all around and 2 days later they had the lift response i look for in the cross to tell it took. When my F2 "take" the pepper stem rises up. They are a upward pointing pepper at this point.

I want the heat and size from the jolokia to blend with the branching, flavor, and yield of the F2. Think ill call them "fire on the mountain"



Youll notice two markers on here for the cross...
So little update tonight....I have ID'd 3 females on the ALF. I think that i have 1 to 2 males as well. Sex organs are still to small to verify but the females that are confirmed have hair coming out.

The ones that were ID'd as female got the tabs tonight. If you remember i wanted to be able to break it across several small pots. Did some math and found a delivery method and here is how it goes.

I took some, unbleached natural tea bags and added 5 grams of that to a bag. This should be enough to feed the .5 gal of soil with the tea to get them to the end. Or at least that is the goal, needed to find something to contain the BioTab after i broke it up to present it to the pot the same way that it was ment to be but not as a full tab. Here is a little info on that, also a shot of the soil meter i use that has done me right for some time.

Moisture reading is perfect. pH is within +/- .3 which for the price cant be beat, and in the biotab soil im ranging between 6.8-6.3 and i am OK with that. This shot is of the level i wait till before i water my seedlings. Could care less about the light meter on it as when i switch it over, it pegs hard right no matter where it is in the tent.




I love that we have the same meter and eyejewl thing lmao..
don't like that mine are both broke... man I got rep smack you for creating the archie gemmil biotabs mod.
that's some ingenuity rite thurr....
:pop:lovin the show
I love that we have the same meter and eyejewl thing lmao..
don't like that mine are both broke... man I got rep smack you for creating the archie gemmil biotabs mod.
that's some ingenuity rite thurr....
:pop:lovin the show

Ha cheers man, i have had the loop since i started growing. That thing was the first thing i used to look at tric's, then i got a digital microscope and use that to look for early sex.

I talked to @Biotabs F69 about what would happen if i just broke it up and used it all mixed in the soil. His response made sense. The tab is designed to slowly dissolve over time allowing a long range of feeding. So i needed a way to do the same just at a smaller ratio. The roots should be able to get through the bag rather easily and i hope it will allow feeding through out the grow.
@FullDuplex @mohawk warrior.

If you guy's like putting (small) tabs in the soil after a x amount of weeks.
You can also use the Guerrilla tabs ( 10 Grams per tab) for the same effect.
The Biotabs are 20 grams per tab.
The Biotabs and Guerrilla tabs are almost the same, only the quantity of bacteria's is a bit different.

Don't hesitated to get baked!