I can see it Bro...... Don't understand it..... But I can see it!:pass:
@Dion , I didn't get the Efficiency calculator, methinks...:shrug:

And, BIG Thank you for these sheets! For those of us in the DIY Lab, they are solid tools to work with!:bow:

:slap: to you, for your generous shares :thanks:

i emailed u the efficency spreadsheets this morning

I'm going to relink these into another thread then and explain how to use the calculator?

EDIT:dude i just checked ur links, they are not working

if the user cant put in the details of thier system(ie heatsink sizes, efficency percentage whatever) then the calculator is pointless...

it needs imput to calculate

2nd EDIT: oh i see, you have to open them in google sheets from the link within the link.....lol

yeah i think we best put this in a new thread, I can explain how to use these sheets better as I built them
The ones on the left look to be tacoing a little. If it is then defo a little to much light. I tend to go a little high and as they grow just check the leaves for changes. If they pray drop it a couple of they taco or canoe I raise it a little. Every strain is different. Some like 12 some curl at 30