Cream Mandarine Auto #2 - The Beast - will probably signal her readiness by collapsing.
Without the plethora of scaffolding supporting her single figure BMI structure, she'd be a heap of earth hugging, horizontally located sticky goodness laden chlorophyll. The Beast has become The Frail; fragile, anaemic, and vulnerable.
She will come down when the scaffolding fails to support her any longer, which going by her posture, might be imminent
We all know that girl. She is at every party!!
They look superb!! :worship: excited to see how the others weigh in!!
I'll usually put my wet buds on a scale to get a weight. 62% RH should be roughly 25% of their wet weight.

Yep - pretty much what I do too.

The Guesstimate Dry Weight is wet weight @ 22.5%, which is the mid-point between 20% and 25%.
I found from the first grow this was the average shrinkage across multiple strains.
It also allows me some post-dry trimming to remove exposed stalks which weren't accessible when wet.
Harvest Update - Day 64

Green Poison Auto #4

P3210039.JPG P3210041.JPG P3210043.JPG P3210044.JPG

Guesstimated Dry Weight: ... ~70 to 75 grams
General Observation:

Green Poison Auto would be a prime candidate for some hard core LST.
EVERY branch yields compact buds.
Even the lower popcorn buds are more like marbles.
Given an opportunity to grow her again, I would spread her until her hips cracked, and let the lights penetrate like there's no tomorrow.

I would genuinely predict yields would increase a minimum of 50%, if not doubled.
Looks like I'm going to average about 3oz per Green Poison Auto.
In the hands of a Master Grower who has a PhD in LST, in Autopots, with an Airdome, and a dialled in tent, with OCD controlled environment - in other words, the perfect storm ... I realistically see this strain capable of 5 to 6 oz ... and quite possibly in under 70 days.

However, word of caution - I suspect she might be susceptible to late grow mold.
Her nugs are DENSE.
She needs to be spread wide and open, and a good breeze wafting over her nether ye.

I might be completely wrong ... but I'd definitely be on DefCon 2 - minimum - in the final weeks.

Definitely going to do this one again.
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Harvest Update - Day 64

Green Poison Auto #3

P3210045.JPG P3210039.JPG P3210040.JPG P3210043.JPG P3210047 1.JPG

Guesstimated Dry Weight: ... 100 - 105 grams

A beautiful, beautiful plant.
She was so giving.


That's it for the Green Poison Auto.
All 4 ladies have come down and are in their brown paper bag resting places.

Rough calculations put the anticipated yield - across the four plants - in the vicinity of 12oz [+/- 0.5oz].
Which is where they need to be for the overall target.
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Bro i envy you having all that different bud to choose from cant wait to hear the smoke reports

I will source 'independent' smoke reports.
Not a biased one from me.


Once the ladies have been introduced to Some People I Know, and some Friends of Friends - the no-holds-barred, honest smoke reports from those with no emotional input or vested interest, will be the first thing I request.
