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Sympathies 2Stoned...:pass:..share will Need it...

I suppose it is too cold for them to play outside..:coffee:
Thanks mossy just sparked one up but i am getting so sick and tired off cheese its all i have had for about 3 years now cant wait for my white widow to finnish
i dont let my dog out where i live so no way the kids are going out rofl
Good Morning Stoners!
Whats the buzz on this fine Sunday morn?!?
Me, I am kicking back with a big old cuppa and relaxing after a nice wake and bake and mag bath. Ahhhh!!
Thanks for the love on the pictures.
Good Morning willie + AFN
Me I've spent my morning juicing a pile of green veggies for The Landlady who suffers the after effects of shingles. Lots of pain in her right arm that has been going on for the last 4 months with no relief in sight .I've convinced her to try some canna oil but getting a script for it is like pulling teeth in this country. I think I'll have a nice cuppa Rooibos a bowl full and go and push some leaves around from fall . I hope everybody has a great day . :cooldance:
I got this message from a buddy this morning:

"Nothing like being at someone else's house taking a huge shit, and the toilet won't flush. Was ALREADY plugged. lol."

Another text came in a few minutes later:

"I waited for it to drain, gave it a second flush. No good. Maybe they will think it was their 10 year old daughter."


Hope that makes someone laugh. Made me laugh.
I got this message from a buddy this morning:

"Nothing like being at someone else's house taking a huge shit, and the toilet won't flush. Was ALREADY plugged. lol."

Another text came in a few minutes later:

"I waited for it to drain, gave it a second flush. No good. Maybe they will think it was their 10 year old daughter."


Hope that makes someone laugh. Made me laugh.

Hope they have a plunger !! :yay:

it must be your worst nightmare, stopping at a good friends house, then having to say "I don't suppose you have a large stick I could use to un-block the toilet by any chance ? " "or maybe a carrier bag, so that I can wrestle it out !"

Talk about wanting the ground to swallow you up !!!!!!

This so called "FRIEND" wouldn't be YOU by any chance ??????? After all, there have been rumors in the office ! I will say no more. I am not one to gossip ! Much !

Just a little update on the pooches had them the vets for a check up both doing great and the girl (the white one is on a diet)her nickname is now tank was the wife not me who came up with that one so the exercising begins and no snacks here's a pic after there last walk
now cant wait for my white widow to finnish

Mmm..I Like a bit of WW....:pass:

i dont let my dog out where i live so no way the kids are going out rofl of the Rules of Parenting..if your Rotty is nervous in your neighbourhood...probably not wise to let the kids out...:biggrin:

Me I've spent my morning juicing a pile of green veggies for The Landlady who suffers the after effects of shingles. Lots of pain in her right arm that has been going on for the last 4 months with no relief in sight

Is it giving her any relief..?

it must be your worst nightmare, stopping at a good friends house, then having to say "I don't suppose you have a large stick I could use to un-block the toilet by any chance ? " "or maybe a carrier bag, so that I can wrestle it out !"


This so called "FRIEND" wouldn't be YOU by any chance ???????

Ah ha eP...have we caught the phantom bog blocker...?...there are more log jams in the staff toilets than there are in a Canadian wood processing plant.

trailanimal..the wind dropped...:thumbsup:...
..the Bees came out...:d5:
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