Evening AFN Stoners..

..sharing one.
You know those days when you never stop all day..and everything Looks worse than when you started..?..
I've had a one of those..

..I need an hour off to get my levels back up...
One of the stops was at the local citrus centre...

..I've earned it over the last week.
I bought myself a Kumquat..has everyone..(but me..

)..tasted kumquat...?
Wow..they are weird...you eat the skin as well as the pulp. The skin is sweet and orangey and the pulp is bitter.
I read in my citrus book about them being called the bitter/sweet fruit..but it was still a surprise..I haven't had anything like it...

...but I'm imagining food possibilities already.
OMG Have you guys seen this new portico funeral standing trend!!! WTF!!! there all dead..
Oh The Elvis..I have seen a few and I Think it is Weird....

..I'm not enamoured with traditional funerals either..but I couldn't fancy that as an alternative.
Since we got the land I have hubby nervous..when he gets ratty I look at him and say..carry on..I've got a spot of land picked for you...
Penguins only "pebble dash"........so look elsewhere.....Elvis eats a lot of rich food.....!?.......SoH bought up the subject.......?........Nammy always looks guilty........but my money is on Krug.
Yeah..I'm With you on krug...

..he Looks the Type.
Then again my dear Aunty ..........no, shudder the thought, forget I mentioned your name. I was not casting any aspersions .....honest I wasn't........bugger........I can feel a "My Office" coming......
ePPPPPPPPPPPPP...My Office.....................................................now...............
This is sure to catch on. Wow I can pose grandpa just as he went, Quietly in his sleep.
Not screaming in horror like his passengers.

Going to see the Dr. about my hip tomorrow. Really hate this and hope it's something simple, if not simple then at least a concrete diagnosis of something not too terrible.
Fingers crossed wwwillie..

I have a love hate relationship with the medical industry so it's always a challenge!
my Mom got hers done and she has never been the same since..

When I started using weed again the pain disappeared as it did in my shoulder ( rolled a car over pissed to the gills ) and has never returned . Maybe I just got lucky again .
As long as you keep taking the cannabis..
Happy Monday budelee..frosty girl...