Good Evening AFN Stoners...

..sharing one for Friday Worship...

When can you actually put plants outside?
If you can get them up to sex indoor..I find they will take almost anything the season Hits them with..I don't fert if wet overcast weather comes in..and I bring them indoor if they get waterlogged...
I just love the idea of smoking some outdoor weed in May. No matter what they actually produce.
Bud grown through the cold season harvests less..but the Sweetest bud of the season...
Double burger between two grilled cheese sandwiches. Haven't tried one, kind of want to, though I'm sure my waist and heart would prefer I don't.
I'm not a burger person..but I could Eat that....
we just can't take this shit personal, Life feeds on Life, sometime we on the menu, sometime top "o" the food chain, penguins too.......ride your wave........
Yeah...but we would Miss you if we had to Eat you..

..things wouldn't be the same..
no rotting fish in the staffroom piddles on the toilet floor coz you aren't tall enough for the urinals...
no earwax stuck under the penguin porn in the greenhouse..hmmm...
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..If we had to eat you...we would really Miss Billy......
fish is "the" power up here in the summer
You know..I'm not a good fish eater...

..hubby is..but I'm not as enthusiastic.
Unless it is a thick bit of cod..with tempura batter..chips and mushy peas...tea bread and butter.

..oh god..I have horrific munchies...and an empty fridge...

Wow leave you guys alone for the day and you're five pages ahead of me!!
Almost as bad as HT for the Gossip now wwwillie....

...pages of it..
Actually for my age I am doing OK just a bit of receding hairline!
I've got one of those receding hairlines too . In fact it recedes all the way from the forehead to the back of my neck :smoking:
Hubby is 73 and has an Amazing head of hair..not even a patch at the crown..and I keep Thinking our sons must hate him coz both have a lot less hair that he has. Genetics..
@wwwillie stoner chat always makes me smile/laugh you guys are so crazy ,it's Friday ,so it'll be hard to get me in a bad mood...think I'll use some sick time for half day ,,
Sounds like a Plan to me budelee..when I make President..cough..cough..Friday will be a Compulsory Worship day....
Cannabis will be Compulsory for everyone over 40 to save Billions on the National Health...
I'm taking the g-baby to the st Patrick day parade this "green" will be a pot leaf necklace!!! Mr T style..I pity the fool who messes with my necklace !!!
You now when the G-Baby picks up his first Will get the Blame don't you...?....
@The Elvis no sushi here bud, BEEF it's what's for dinner
gimme time! ill get the smoker going!!
Excellent weigh loss The Elvis...

..don't know how you manage it with all that Tempting cuisine where you live..

I'd just be a Porker..
I got the metabolism of a chipmunk on crack....
Breath on me so I can Catch it....
Have a great weekend everyone....

..smoke lots...