Plants under Continuous Light

Blimey that's quite the read!
I had a skim but don't have time to read the whole thing right now!
I use 24/7 light.

Some people us e the The Gas Lantern Routine and think this works better with the plants circadian rythms ( bugger two more things to look in to pop!)
Thanks for posting this pop very interesting !!
:slap: A slap for AFN's myth buster extraordinaire!
I am rolling with a sliding scale of 24/0 for seedlings, 20/4 for veg and introduction of Co2, then 18/6 for bloom and more Co2 (also cost savings)

@pop22 - that was a great read! I knew that plant experiments were going on out in space and the Artic, but this is the first article that had addressed the results of these remarkable experiments.
What I concluded from this review is that a 24-hour cycle works for some plants and not for others. I believe that a controlled study would have to be done just on the multiple cannabis strains alone to find out how different light cycles affect plant growth and flower production.
Hopefully, one-day cannabis will be added to the list of plants tested on the space station. Imagine smoking space-grown cannabis!
I've run my autos 24/0 for quite some time. I've just decided to go to 20/4 both to see what results I get, and for the power savings. I've experimented with 13.5/10.5, which gives an aditional 84 hours of light over an 8 week flowering period. May work better for Sativa doms vs Indica but thats only a guess, or may make no difference at all, we'll see eventually lol! for flowering photo periods as a means to increase production.
I need to find the time to do back to back grows of the same strain under 12/12 vs 13.5/10.5