PJ Project

That would get me to mid may :smokebuds:

alll the time.. :pimp:

Another great harvest!!!

Look at the anomoly on that FullD...

now this is something that is beautiful. :drool:

what is this on? I love the look of that leaf insane cloven
That would get me to mid may :smokebuds:

alll the time.. :pimp:

Another great harvest!!!

THanks man i appreciate it. These guys are good to me
but ima' keep pushing them till i gte 2 oz out of a 6 in pot.
If i can get them that big in that small place.
You guys running 2 and 3 should get more.....in theory.

If we can get Monster's results on a regular basis - I would have no need to grow photo-strains ever again

one day buddha man, one day ill get it consistant
Next generation.....F2

Now i bring you the next generation of JEM. No not more advanced....:toke:
just the next round of off spring in my search.....

Germed 9 got 3 males 6 females and here they are.
Soaking in that HPS....

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wow... they look really happy man! I only wish I had that kinda space between my ladies... they're all crammed up... but they seem to be coping fine.... yours look exceptionally healthy m8!
wow... they look really happy man! I only wish I had that kinda space between my ladies... they're all crammed up... but they seem to be coping fine.... yours look exceptionally healthy m8!

Thanks JM i appreciate it :thumbs:

I have learned my limits of my room on the last grow and decided to back it down a little as i am back in my search
There is one in this group that i am watching closely. Wiz has been able to call the color of my plants every time
Knew the Bad Betty was a red before i showed it just by structure. Same way that i Id Flossy for K21.
there is something that they show that you have seen before, you know them and this plant this round has a certain look to it
im hoping it shows what its sister did.....:thumbs:

They seem to like the new food. Im testing a different version of FF grow big this round as i got it at a good price
most have seen me talk about using the hydro formula in my water but this time i am going to see what the actual
soil version has to over. Its dose is a little bit higher but i think it might bring more to the girls. Who knows.
I too, have learned my limits and am currently running brimmed... but i have some clones going that can go out soon... then I'll have some working room... it will be a relief in many ways.

I also have to say I really like the perpetual action now that its rolling smoothly. I cant wait to get the budget to make a few more fixups / upgrades... fully dialed will be sick!

Ha! funny on the grow big... I just switched to the hydro formula to see what it did over the soil... lol so far I'm not sure I see dif... seems to have a hair more magnesium according to the label as I recall.
Found something interesting tonight when i got to my care takers house. He had planted some seed that he found, or so he said, and they were doing great before i left to go to CO. I get back and i want to check them out because i haven't had the chance to look them over, and boy did i find a surprise. Out of the few that he has outdoor one of them is a JEM, from my stock. I was giving the plants a good looking over because he doesn't know much about bug control when i saw a preflower. I was like wait....this is way to young to be showing this now. So i counted the nodes to see where the first preflower was and it was at the 4th one.
After seeing that and then looking at the leaf structure i knew who she was. So things should get interesting in the next two weeks for him. Shes in a 10 gal pot too. Well over 2 foot tall already and just now starting to put out more flower sites. Ill get a pic of her this week to show but this will be the first official OD test on my PJ seed.

I now know where he got the seed..........
Found the seed? You think he might have took it to run himself? or found in some bud he got from you?
Yeah it was more than likely in a bud that i sent with him. He is my father in law so even if he got it from my stock i wouldnt mind.
Im just glad to see it outside, i just cant believe he picked that seed of all ones to plant. Should be interesting to see grow.