Photoperiod photoperiod growers wanted 4.20 battles

Trichome farmer

be my name and trichome farmin be my game
Staff member
AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club
Jul 26, 2015
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Jorge's Diamonds
hello AFN members are you ready to go to battle we have open spots sign up here to join get in quick before all the sponsored places are filled
Seed_Stockers is offering another photo battle....

- shipping worldwide except US!

- as much entrys as possible, but limited to 20 places

- growers arrange with Seed_Stockers what and how much they get

- the 3 battle entry rule is not valid in here!

- any grow style and any medium

- to begin 4.20 and finish Halloween this year

if you are not a gladiator already we can talk about getting you joined up
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@Trichome farmer, sorry but the link doesn't work for me. I would like to give the battle a go. If there is room left.
@Trichome farmer, sorry but the link doesn't work for me. I would like to give the battle a go. If there is room left.
apologies stoner moment you have to be a gladiator to look at that section are you in the usa bro
I'd love to participate!
:toke:Mighty fine @Seed_stockers good luck from this side of the pond