Jean-O's Jean-O's VooDoo and 00 Chocolate Skunk

So I've be deceived! Little lady exposed herself. The voodoo are very homogeneous so far given the visual differences early on. The younger of the three is shaping up nicely

The choco sknk is getting aggressive. Still running the nutes around 500ish. So far so good.

Flow through the pump is slow. Probably going to put a little clean-out that will act as a trap for debris being pulled through the pipe. Little bits of hydroton and the random beetle here and there

And my poor, abused night blooming cereus. This is from a cut that has been passed down through our family for four generations. There are a few amongst the family, only a couple of them have bloomed. Used to be a big affair, I'm told, when my dad was a kid. The whole family would father to watch it and catch a whiff. Hopefully I can get this thing bounce back.
Coming right along. Little N deficiency, corrected the other day with the water change and brought them up to about 700ppm. Can see the difference in the new growth already.

Voodoo is a shrubby lil thing. Very homogeneous. CS makes some large ladies in comparison. One is starting to flower, the largest of the three. The others are showing their stuff - all girls so far.

Temps are getting cooler at night, day time still gets pretty warm but they seem to be handling the fluctuations fine.

Once again, I'm nearly 60 days in and very little action so far. Everyone started to flower and kind of stalled :( I'm about to get the walls built and go back to photos. Had a little pH issue, got lazy for a week and didn't change the water. pH kept dropping but I was able to keep it up and got the water changed out. Everyone is back to normal but two of the VDoo are kind of streaky looking. Like they have pigmentation issues, everyone else is looking normal. Kinda odd, but it happens. Choco skunk are nice little pine trees, the two ve are nice little shrubs and the third vd is kinda in between, structure and leaves are totally different.

Ok, so I'm thinking it's got something to do with the uptake efficiency and the single part nutrient and additives.

They've looked like this for two weeks. Just stretching like the last ones.

Drained the tanks and refilled with clean water and straight 0-10-10 Kool Bloom and ph'd to 6. Dropped back to 14/10 lighting.

See what happens over the next week. If nothing else I'm going to slap a sheet of plywood on top of the tanks and go dirt until I get the room light proofed and enclosed. Fucking inflation put a real dent in my finances - haven't been able to put any extra cash into the room.

Hang in there my friend. :pighug:

Autos can have thier own mind and in Hydrponics they are very sensitive to PH. I use Auto Pots in coco and one in just lava rock. I check the PH twice a day and I then PH Down to 5.8 - 6.1. I have not tried the system you have thos it is a good system, just touchy at times. So I wish you the best of growing and smile and know we ALL have issues. It is solving the problems that makes a better grower. Trial and error and then repeat.

Love and Light to Everything.