Bud Explosion not dissolving after mixing

Apr 6, 2019
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Anyone here got any tips on how to get Bud Explosion to fully dissolve after mixing.? Never had any problems with the other additive (Sweet Candy) dissolving but the Bud Explosion never seems dissolve and just floats around and eventually settles in the bottom of my reservoir.! Yes, I do have a small circulator pump in the bottom and still it does not fully dissolve
Anyone here got any tips on how to get Bud Explosion to fully dissolve after mixing.? Never had any problems with the other additive (Sweet Candy) dissolving but the Bud Explosion never seems dissolve and just floats around and eventually settles in the bottom of my reservoir.! Yes, I do have a small circulator pump in the bottom and still it does not fully dissolve
How long ago did you order it and what size?

What is your other product mixing regiment?
How long ago did you order it and what size?

What is your other product mixing regiment?

I ordered the Bud Explosion first week of August or something like that.? It hasn't been that long ago and its been sealed until a few weeks ago... I got the 500g... My mixing regiment is 20gMega/5gSweetC/5gBudE per 5 gallons...
I ordered the Bud Explosion first week of August or something like that.? It hasn't been that long ago and its been sealed until a few weeks ago... I got the 500g... My mixing regiment is 20gMega/5gSweetC/5gBudE per 5 gallons...
how do you know BE is not dissolving fully?

edit: post some pictures if you have
how do you know BE is not dissolving fully?

edit: post some pictures if you have

How do i know.? Lol, so now I most quote some of my comments in my original question "BudExplosion never seems dissolve and just floats around and eventually settles in the bottom of my reservoir." I know this because I see it... Just mixed up another batch today and it's already sitting in the corners of my reservoir... It could be the Sweet Candy.? It's definitely one of the two though! Next mix I do I'm gonna leave out the Sweet Candy and see if that's what's not dissolving correctly... But look my phone isn't water proof so I'm not gonna risk dropping it in my reservoir to get a pic but its all good no worries.! I still love using MC and understand that you may not have any answers for this at the moment... I'm definitely not gonna stop using MC.! Oh and btw when I mix.? I make sure it's shaken vigorously and then I let it sit for some time then I shake again before it goes into the reservoir... So its mixed well before it goes in...
I have issues with sediment and solids at different times through my grow. But they cause no problems.

If I may offer an opinion.

A lot of the variables involved with my grow can cause solidification of product. I have high natural calcium and iron in my water. And a run additional silica and rarely cal/mag. Bennies myco and molasses also. It’s very possible you are seeing one of multiple elements reacting with your MC/BE/SC that causes solidification of that product or something that’s in the water already.

I’m sure you already know about sequencing the addition of Calcium and silica because that can cause solids also.

So I think that the question @Greenleaf Nutrients was asking about how do you know is because there could be a number of variables in each individual grow that could cause adverse reactions between compounds in whatever fertilizer line you run. I’m sure they have tested compatibility of there product among the lines but they can’t know what’s going on in our grow.
I have issues with sediment and solids at different times through my grow. But they cause no problems.

If I may offer an opinion.

A lot of the variables involved with my grow can cause solidification of product. I have high natural calcium and iron in my water. And a run additional silica and rarely cal/mag. Bennies myco and molasses also. It’s very possible you are seeing one of multiple elements reacting with your MC/BE/SC that causes solidification of that product or something that’s in the water already.

I’m sure you already know about sequencing the addition of Calcium and silica because that can cause solids also.

So I think that the question @Greenleaf Nutrients was asking about how do you know is because there could be a number of variables in each individual grow that could cause adverse reactions between compounds in whatever fertilizer line you run. I’m sure they have tested compatibility of there product among the lines but they can’t know what’s going on in our grow.

Great answer dude.! I love using MC and probably will be using it for a long time... I've been using @Greenleaf Nutrients for 2 years now already with killer results and never have a problem with there products except for this minor one... But I have to say that my question to them has stumped them lol and it actually took someone thats not an employee to give me some kind of answers... Thank you.!))
Not sure it stumped them. I think they may be a bit busy at times to investigate every question for us small growers. I’m pretty sure they sell on a much larger scale to commercial growers. You’d never get this question answered if it was about Jacks 123.

They are a little less about hand holding and a little more about providing a terrific product for the more independent grower. Just my thoughts.


Now for what AN and some others charge they should drive to the house and take soil samples when you have an issue. Not these guys though.
Not sure it stumped them. I think they may be a bit busy at times to investigate every question for us small growers. I’m pretty sure they sell on a much larger scale to commercial growers. You’d never get this question answered if it was about Jacks 123.

They are a little less about hand holding and a little more about providing a terrific product for the more independent grower. Just my thoughts.


Now for what AN and some others charge they should drive to the house and take soil samples when you have an issue. Not these guys though.

I believe it stumped them a bit lol but yeah great product for sure.! As far as AN.? I agree.! They should at least drive out to the house and take samples for what they charge for there nutes.! AN is what I was using before someone turned me on to MC... I just couldn't afford it anymore and said f***this I'm switching lol
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Oh and btw when I mix.? I make sure it's shaken vigorously and then I let it sit for some time then I shake again before it goes into the reservoir... So its mixed well before it goes in...

what do you mix it in ?

You said you were mixing 3 products together, but somehow determine which one of the products is not dissolving which confused me a bit.
Will try to help you solve this issue!