Outdoor 420'z Forevercrazy OD Growtrain

mebbe on island planetz it don't start til then, but here on my planet, i jus made the order & it'z been confirmed, so....jus sayin :biggrin: ppp

Cool. i sent him a message begging for some :kiss:
ok, wee update -> they went well over a week, but none of my beanz sprouted :wall: so, i put sum replacementz up to soak a couple dayz ago & planted em las nite....same strainz, jus new beanz....worst part is i'm now about 10 dayz behind schedule, argh! :cuss: but, it is what it is, so....:shrug:

also, i posted about it in LS, but for thoze that missed it, we had a bad hailstorm a week or so ago that ended up puttin dozenz of holez in the roof of my grow area, so i've got new panelz on order & hopefully, they'll be here wednezday, fingerz crossed 🤞 the foreverfuckincrazy growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
Update - 05/15/24 New
Chemdog photo (#1) Day 1 ...into the brave new world! :yay: :joy: this is the orig first chemdog bean i planted, like 2 weekz ago, lol :doh: i couldn't find it the other day when i dug around & then replanted, so now there'll be two....becuz, if u'll notice, jus below this one in the pic, the second one is fixin to sprout as well :rofl: :doh:


and in other newz, to give u an idea what my grow area roof went thru with the hailstorm....


yes, all thoze black thingz are patchez of duct tape :rofl: i had to do something, cuz the replacement panelz didn't show up again this week, which meanz havin to wait a whole nuther week, and of course, we got even more rain forecast ahead, so....argh! :wall: there'z still at least a couple dozen holez in that top section that i jus can't reach, but at least it shouldn't leak quite as bad now, so....:shrug: ppp
perhaps relpace the old ones and then put them old damaged ones ontop the new ones

u truly have no clue what a major pain in the ass it would be to do it that way :rofl: :nono: so i'm jus gonna do it the other way round instead with duct tape & call it good :coffee: hopefully, by next year, i'll be able to afford sum 1/8" frosted plexiglass, but this is gonna hafta do for now :shrug: ppp
Update - 05/18/24 New
Chemdog photo #2 (left) Day 3
Chemdog photo #1 (right) Day 4


Granddaddy purple photo Day 2 :smokeit:


OG Kush photo Day 2 :smokeit:


Panty Punch photo still tryin, but not there yet :doh: :smokeit:


the od growtrain rollz on, more or less, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
thought i'd let the lil seedlingz sit outside for a bit today :mrgreen: the panty punch is still bein stubborn to sprout, so may end up replacin it with sumthin else, cuz time is wastin....hell, might hafta replace all of em if they don't hurry tf up & start grown, ahh! :wall: but anyway, the od growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

Update - 05/26/24 New
welp, collectively, they're between 10-12 dayz old now & as u can plainly see, they're jus....not....growing :wall: i'll give em a couple more dayz, then probly g'head & pull em & plant sumthin else....probly the new T20 beanz i got the other day....the panty punch never did sprout, so i replaced it with the new T20 Early Frost jus las nite....the od growtrain, such as it is, rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

welp, collectively, they're between 10-12 dayz old now & as u can plainly see, they're jus....not....growing :wall: i'll give em a couple more dayz, then probly g'head & pull em & plant sumthin else....probly the new T20 beanz i got the other day....the panty punch never did sprout, so i replaced it with the new T20 Early Frost jus las nite....the od growtrain, such as it is, rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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Please don't pull 'em. They prolly just need something simple that the replacements would need too.
They prolly just need something simple

i'm the simplest grower alive, so i have no clue whhat it could be :rofl: but seriously, all o' this bs has already put me a month behind schedule & time is seriously wastin....i need plantz that are gonna grow, not jus stand there & look dumb :doh: :nono: ppp