Cannabis Salve Healing


Grandma Roody
Dec 2, 2012
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
My Genius Pipe!
I have been reading this forum for a couple of months.
Something that should be seen on here is the many ways that the cannabis plant can heal.

10 years ago I got a peanut sized blister like thing on my left shoulder blade.
With no medical insurance and it wasn't bothering me, I left it alone.
November last year it all of a sudden started growing to the size of 2 nickles, then it ulcerated and yucky stuff like oozing and bleeding.

I still didn't have medical, so I made a poultice of eggplant and vinegar. I used that for 6 months and it did help, stopped it from growing more.

Then I found a medicinal cannabis site called GreenPassion and learned of many ways cannabis heals all kinds of ailments. I used cannabis salves for three months and was making improvements.

I was finally able to see a doctor in August, the biopsy confirmed Basal Cell Carcinoma. I opted for Mohs surgery to get it taken care of faster.

This is what it looked like after 6 months of eggplant and vinegar
May 2012.jpg

Then I used a cannabis oil called No Nonsense for 3 months
July 2012 (2).jpg July

This was the day before Mohs surgery
Sept 2012 before Mohs.jpg

During the surgery the doctor cut a 2-3/4" X 2-1/4" hole.
It was too big to stitch closed and they left me with a 1-3/4" X 1" open wound.
This is 2 days after surgery after I took the pressure bandage off
Sept 2012 2 days after Mohs.jpg

The doctor wanted me to put vaseline and a waterproof bandage.
He said it would take 6 months to a year for the wound to close.

After 3 weeks with little or no improvement, I infused the vaseline with No Nonsense oil.
This is what it looked like in 24 hours.
October 13, 2012      24 hours after canna-vaseline.jpg

7 days using the canna-vaseline
October 19, 2012     7 days after canna-vaseline.jpg

9 days using canna-vaseline
October 21, 2012     9 days after canna-vaseline.jpg

12 days using canna-vaseline
October 24, 2012     12 days after canna-vaseline.jpg

It took 14 days to completely close the wound.

Eek and I have been ingesting No Nonsense oil, stem oil and root oil.
I also make rubs or creams with buds, trim, stems, roots, and male plants.

I will post the recipes soon.


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    July 2012 (3).jpg
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  • Otober 21, 2012      9 days after canna-vaseline (2).jpg
    Otober 21, 2012 9 days after canna-vaseline (2).jpg
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    Sept 2012 7 days after Mohs.jpg
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Amazing recovery. Good health to you both :peace:
The No Nonsense oil recipe was created by Uncle Bill (Stoned Ranger) he actually has three variations (I basically use #2).
I am passing on knowledge to all that want or need it.

What you need:
crock pot or slow cooker
immersion blender (I chop my material course and use a wisp)
a pitcher or bucket depending on how large a batch you make
material;cannabis buds and trim
extra virgin coconut oil (food grade)
filter; 100 micron is best ( I have used doubled cheesecloth or nylon stockings )

1) Take your material - put it in crock pot
2) Add water at a ratio 3:1 water to cannabis (more or less won't matter)
3) Add coconut oil [ 2 oz cannabis = 1 cup coconut oil / 4 oz cannabis = 2 cups coconut oil ]
4) Turn on crock pot. Bring temp. to 200 - 210 degrees F
5) Put lid on and cook for 12 hours
Wisp or use immersion blender often, maintain temp. at 210 degrees do not boil or let it go above 250 degrees F
6) Pitcher - filter the material out of the water/oil mixture ( I use a wire strainer to hold my filter)
7) Boil at least 2 cups of water to rinse all the oil possible out of your cannabis
8) Let this cool to the touch (Hot oil will burn!)
9) squeeze the filter of cannabis ( this can be thrown away, dried and used as a fire starter or into compost...)
10) Place pitcher in refrigerator for several hours. The oil will rise to the top of the pitcher and harden.
11) Take the "puck" of oil out of the pitcher - discard the water.

The oil puck will be green in color. It will act like coconut oil meaning it will be liquid at 76 degrees F and solid when cold.

This can be ingested or made into a topical rub.
For ingesting, dose will depend on tolerance. Kind of like edibles it will take time to feel the effects. A good starting point would be 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon and go from there.
You are getting cannabinoids along with the THC.

For most people this will take away pain. Some people describe it as a "clean high" that leaves them feeling good and can still function.
It has been reported to; lowering blood pressure, lowering Hep C markers, help with fibroyalgia pain, planters fasciitis pain, Lupus, pinched nerves, body spasms, arthritis, insomnia, etc.
One person who is diabetic takes this morning and night and has been able to stop taking insulin. This same person reports that his arteries are no longer clogged and his doctor cancelled his surgery.

To heal my wound, I took 1 Tablespoon NN oil and melted it with vaseline.
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great post11! thank you for sharing... i've stuck it... and added the microscope icon so people will know it is a reference / medical thread... glad you are able to heal yourself naturally..


great post11! thank you for sharing... i've stuck it... and added the microscope icon so people will know it is a reference / medical thread... glad you are able to heal yourself naturally..


Thank you, JM. Now I know where to put things!

Amazing root 66, I had no idea cannabis would accelerate skin growth. What did you doctor say about your super fast healing?

I did go back to the doctor for a second Mohs surgery on my face.
The doctor was surprised at the fast healing. I did not tell him about the canna-vaseline because he was not receptive of the eggplant and vinegar I used. I think he suspected I used cannabis but he didn't ask.

If we can heal ourselves we won't need doctors as much and that is not in their best interest. IMHO
Super Medical Recovery

She didn't like the name I had, Can-of-ass-O-lean.
But it worked like a can of whoop ass.

Another good thing it is good for is Restless Leg Syndrom.

On a side note, the DETOX juicin' diet asks that I take an Epsom salt bath. Little did I know it is a good relaxer, and pain reliever. Though I think that the pain relief was because of the tension release.


Eek :hug: :peace:
pain reliefe is also prob due to magnesium and its total effect on cellular communication... :smokeit:



:gthumb: Well I appreciate it! :lol:
Awesome news route66! Hope the healing continues down its current path!

I have used a Cannabis infused salve (from local dispensary) with great results for minor sore muscles/spasms. But have found a lotion made by a friend (similar to butter method using crokpot) worked much better. I have also found that for these symptoms (sore/spasming muscles) a lotion/salve or other topical made from primarily indicas seems to work better for me (could this be due to higher CBD content perhaps..?)

Just my :2cents: