Pop22's Vape AdventuresI guess this is a combination

I've had it with that guy..... You couldn't compliment him without getting bitten. He talks engineering word salad about things that don't even exist as if he is some expert. And oh buddy, you just stepped in something I actually happen to know about.

Indeed @Egzoset - Let's be direct:

That prior post of yours mentions "Miller parasitic oscillations in abscence of impedence matching." There is no such thing as Miller parasitic oscillations.

Parasitic turn-on caused by Miller CAPACITANCE, not oscillation, is a weak spot in silicon carbide MOSFETs.

I've had it with his nonsense engineer wannabe posts. Just random assortments of words you cannot look up because they don't exist or are plain wrong. And even if you post something positive he comes along like a pigeon and craps all over it.

Here's an actual equation but I won't say what it is so you think it's mysterious:

Cin = Cgk + Cga(1 + A)

Where A is the voltage gain (we ignore the minus sign; we already know it is an inverting stage).

This capacitance-multiplication effect is called the Miller effect, and the extra 'phantom' capacitance is called the Miller capacitance. None of which have anything to do with heating, let alone you smoking weed.
-Rant over.
Hey @DCLXVI what in layman's terms are you referring to just for shits and giggles? No offense meant just curious as I just happened to read through pops vape reviews and found them informative. Thanks for the reviews @pop22 will definitely look into some on future vape purchases. My preferred ingestion method is to vaporize and stumbled upon this thread a day or 2 ago.
Why not ban now, it's always the same conclusion following forged Drama Queen character assassinations à la FuckCombustion - where Sniff 'n Liche is the only way to aHummm... "Communicate", while deleting, etc., etc.
So my CFX Gave UP today ............ But no worries:smoking:.. With 2 emails to Boundless support & 1 pic .:woohoo: A New CFX is on it's way to me NO Charge.... A BIG :thanks: to Boundless support :worship:
I've been impressed myself with support from Boundless. And I just might be testing a new Boundless vape....... :cheers:

So my CFX Gave UP today ............ But no worries:smoking:.. With 2 emails to Boundless support & 1 pic .:woohoo: A New CFX is on it's way to me NO Charge.... A BIG :thanks: to Boundless support :worship: