Wedding cake barney's farm


Flowering 3

Hello AFN,
got some new updates for the grow.

This week the plant started some Ca deficiency on leavs so I am starting add calmag once a week 1ml x L to correct it and once it's corrected I'll keep giving it but 0.5 x L (once a week).

Except for that everything is going fine and strong, buds are forming and looks promising.

Always watering every 2 days with 1L water, following straight the feedchart.

Pic date: 1 march.

Good growth everyone.
Manzoni's Farm.
Next page: Flowering 4
Previous page: Floweing 2
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Hey Don,

Barney's has Wedding Cake like shown and Fastbuds has Wedding Cheesecake like mentioned. But I don't think Barney's has Wedding Cake. Which one are you going with? Good luck!!

Blog entry information

Don Manzoni
Last update

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