Wedding cake barney's farm

This is my first documented grow, feedback is welcome.
Seeds are coming, my last grow is ending and I am preparing myself for this new experiment.
I have a pretty basic way to grow, little time to spend on this so not overcomplicating.
The grow will run with biobizz fertilisers and mediums. I find them a bit pricy but worth the money.
Led grow-light by viparspectra model xs2000 in a 60x60 grow tent.
1 fan for air circulation.
1 inline fan with carbon-filter for air-extraction.
10L pots.
The fertilisers used: Root-juice; Fish-Mix; Bio-Bloom; Top-Max; Cal-Mag; also ph-down from biobizz, to rise ph just add some water.
Using tap water left to rest 2 days before watering.
First 4 weeks only watering since the medium is already pre fertilised for the seedling stage.
Also music will be a main feeding resource for my plants (mainly classic and 60' rock ).

Starting with seeds

Hello everyone from Manzo's farm.
Community and Staff have been crazy in these times and I hope to be able, at some point, to help you out like you've been doing with me.


In this grow I am going to use only BioBizz products, because I don't want any conflicts with other brands.
You can find the schedule I am using on their website following this link: . Since this is supposed to be for photoperiods, I am going to adjust it dividing everything by 2.
The products that will be used: Root-Juice; Bio-Grow(flower stage); Fish-Mix(Veg. stage); Bio-Bloom; Top-Max; Bio-Haven; Acti-Vera; All Mix substrate.

S(h)ow Time

Everything started week ago , when I sent an e-mail to the local grow shop asking for x3 wedding cheesecake seeds, but he forgot the cheese so now I am left with just the cake... good enough.
It's time to place one of the seeds into the pot, water it a little and ... well... wait for the magic to happen!
Humidity is goods so the seed won't need any other action from me to sustain its growth for now, but if it doesn't keep up then I will intervene.
l'll always need to be paying attention to my cat since he doesn't miss any occasion to steal or eat everything I'm growing.

Well, I think this is all for now, I'll update once something happens.

Peace and Love :coco:

The Great Germination

Hi folks, time has come and the germination process has been complete, the little cutie is green and happy so far.
The Germination took approximately 4 days, it's now standing up to the god sun (led) with his beautiful little green leaves.
Light is at his 100% power efficacy since I am still growing other plants, the distance from the canopy is 70 cm, so she should not get any burn.
At this point it's time to keep up with the schedule and start feeding her, some RootJuice has been used for the germination and I will keep giving it to her alternately with clean ph'd water. Next week, as the schedule says, I'll start feeding the plant with more nutrients, for now just juice.
Nothing much to say, the plant will now grow exponentially so I'll give her more attention and so there will be more updates in the blog.

Happy Growing everyone :)

Manzoni's Farm.

Pics Date: 18 january

Vegetation at its finest

After 2 hours spent staring at the table in the room, I thought I could use this story as a starting point to write the update of my growth.
The girl seems very good so far, pushing to the limits!
Only watered following the schedule for supplements.
Now changing tap water (500ppm) to spring water (170ppm) if not demineralized water since had some issues in flower stage with other plants in the same condition. Getting some testing on runoffs tells me there was too much salt in the medium, let's see how it goes.

For now, is everything :smoking:

Manzoni's Farm.

Pics Date: 26 january

The Growth

Sup Guys,
Manzoni's farm here with new updates!

A lot is going on right now, the plant seems very happy and it is speeding up his growth, my cat is also being crazy af I hope it doesn't destroy everything. :bow:.

As nutes I am still following the schedule from biobizz with half doses, no deficency showing so far, watering every 2 to 3 days 200/300ml, nutes every feeding.
Also I read about ph'd water in organic soild, It isnt a good strategy so, for now, I am no longer ph'ing the water if it's in the 6.0 - 7.5 rage (Ph'ing may cause to bother the equilibrium and even kill bacteria inside the nutes and soil, which isn't good).

Spring water, after sitting 24h+, comes at between 7 and 8 ph range but with nutes it lowers itself in the correct one.
As the plant grow a bit more I'll top her for more light and space efficency (space is very thigh), this will be my very first time topping a prant so we'll see what happens next.

Best regards m8s,

Manzoni's Farm.

Pics Date: 28 january


The growth is going like a ciuffciuff, the plant is speeding up its growth, except for that, nothing has changed since my last post.
I am following the feeding chart straight and the plant seems to love it for now so I am happy, :smokeit:smoking while watching her growing:watering:.
I won't do any lst/topping , maybe some defoliation but later cuz now it's too early and the plant doesn't need it.


Manzoni's farm.

Pics Date: 2 february


The plant is going great, pre-flower signs are showing, starting to add low doses of top max and bio bloom as suggested by bio biz.

Watering every 2 days, The lady is drinking a lot and growing as well with no signs of stress or deficiency.

Happy growth everyone.

Manzoni's Farm.

Pics Date: 9 february


Hello people from AFN, week 5 is starting:

The flowering stage has started, the plant is being massive and the tops are stratching towards the lights.
I thought about defoliating but I may not give her any kind of stress at this point, i'll let the nature be itself.
Neither deficencys or problems occurred in this time, but I noticed leavs dropping after irrigating therefore I'll try to water the plants from every 2 to 3 days.
As I did until now, I'll fertilize every watering following the feedchart posted in the main page of this blog.
Lamp is at 50 cm distance from the highest top.

Thinking about dedicating the whole harvest for rosing and oil production, I'll may document that as well, would be a funny project.
Also wondering if it is worth making extract for e-cigs.

Happy growth everyone.

Pic Date: 16 February
Manzoni's Farm.

Floweing 2

Hello AFN, :smokeit:

This week has been tough but here we are with some updates.
The plant is happy and .. well too :baked: .
She likes very much the feeding schedule I am giving, even if all mix is considered ''Hot'' the plant seems not being annoyed by the high nutrient concentration in the soil.
She grows every day and seems like she deosnt want to stop :eyebrows:, I like it.
Water is still at 200 ppm + nutes we get end result within 700-900 range, 1L of water every 2 days.

No stress and no deficency showing, only defoliated a couple of leavs in the bottom of the plant cuz where discoloring, caused by the bushy plant she is.
No point on bother since it's caused by nature itslef.

Pic date: 22 february

Have a good stone,

Manzoni's Farm

Flowering 3

Hello AFN,
got some new updates for the grow.

This week the plant started some Ca deficiency on leavs so I am starting add calmag once a week 1ml x L to correct it and once it's corrected I'll keep giving it but 0.5 x L (once a week).

Except for that everything is going fine and strong, buds are forming and looks promising.

Always watering every 2 days with 1L water, following straight the feedchart.

Pic date: 1 march.

Good growth everyone.
Manzoni's Farm.

Flowering 4

new update for this week.

Plant is showing different syptoms that are escalating quickly into some bad shit.
But buds seems not being compromised at this point.
Right now i stopped every feed and giving only water since i could have leaded to a nute burn on the plant (sad).
I dont really know what happended, I'll look further into it and let you know, if you have any suggestion it would be helpful for future grows.

Happy grow everyone.

Pic Date: 8 march
Manzoni's Farm


Hello AFN,:smoking::cools:

It’s been a fun grow, I harvested the plant this week, 2 days in the dark before drying.
Ill let it sit from 1 to 2 weeks, until the branches almost snaps.

Ill update later with final infos.

total wet: 379g

Harvest date : 03/16/22

Edit: final weight: 65g ~ 3 weeks jar curing with boveda. Smoke super sweet, best I ever tried so far.

Ending review

At the end, the finished product is AWESOME, one of the best smoke so far I ever got, sweet with citrus taste, very dense buds and a big yield so far, I ‘m already growing one more from this strain!!
Very simple process of growing in organic, plant responded perfectly to led lights and organic nutrients, never showing any kind of def., a .. easy yield… would say:smoking:.

definitely a strain I would suggest!

P.S. my friends got amazed by the quality of the ending product, they adored it.:rofl:


Hey Don,

Barney's has Wedding Cake like shown and Fastbuds has Wedding Cheesecake like mentioned. But I don't think Barney's has Wedding Cake. Which one are you going with? Good luck!!

Blog entry information

Don Manzoni
Read time
7 min read
Last update

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