UN-Completed... RQS Green Gelato Auto - Ravinder & Tabrouka

My best mate's hubby asked me to look after his girls up (2 plants and one cat) in the north and being in the countryside at the mountains feet, I just couldn't say no. In the meantime, my flatmate was nice enough to look after my own baby girl following my instructions. (Well, he knows I always show my appreciation haha)

However, when I arrived at the house and my mates were already gone, I only found one of the girls, and it weren't the plants if you know what I mean (meaow) I proceeded to call my mates, who told me that finally he didn't have time to start the seeds and he forgot to send me a video explaining where everything was ("hey mate, so the tent is here, the soil is there, the light here, enjoy!")


Oh well, in the end, it gave me the opportunity try a new strain, and a Sativa, which I haven't tried with success yet. So there we go...

Weather here is different, drier but with colder temps at night and hotter when really hot

Had to do this in a rush so 2 seeds in a glass of water for 4hrs, then as it's a bit cold here, I put the seeds in humid paper towels in a tupperware over the computer at an average of 21 degrees C. 72hrs later, big arse tap roots, both in a small pot previously filled with water. Biobiz allmix with perlite 1/5

Here I be working with a 2x2 tent, spiderfarm 600, one small 15w fan, and a ceiling Samsung aircon unit that helps me stay above 19 C at night

Seedling Stage

Ok so,

Spider Farmer SF-1000, let's compare that with BEST VA 600. Look s like it''l be easier for taking pictures without that evil blurpredplewateverting..

Both in number 5 pots (a bit less than a gallon) with biobiz all mix and perlite 1/5, fully watered before sowed. average after water more or less 900g

min 21 degrees C 55% max 24C 40%

Day 1 - Seedling Stage

Both sprouted after 48hrs. Lights lowered to 40/50cm.


Day 2 - Seedling Stage

Freaking mutation again. It's been a habit with RQS lately, but still think it's due to bad luck, as I had a good run without problems (except the ones I caused)

So Ravinder is missing a cotelydon.. hmm :rolleyes1: oh well, we'll see, I'll do my sheiz as usual and I'm sure it won't be a problem. She just be running a bit slower than Tabrouka at the beginning. Stretched a bit already, still playing to know these lights, so lowered to 25cm.

Geez, here no need for dehumidifier, I get an average RH of 39% and a min of 29%

Day 5 - Seedling Stage

2nd set showing. They're both a bit floppy due to early stretch but nothing to worry about.


Day 8 - Seedling Stage

Used a couple of clips to straighten them up. Tabrouka on the right still a bit ahead due to one more cotelydon at the start lol

min 19C 47% max 23.9C 33%

Day 10 - Seedling Stage

Tabrouka has straighten up and is strong enough without help now. She about 619g and Ravinder 689, so both get watered

min 18C 53% max 25C 41%

Day 11 - Seedling Stage

Everything going lovely jubbly.. Ravinder is even starting to recover lost time. Both around the 600g so watered. (After taking the pic)

min 18.5C 50% max 25C 40%

Day 12 - Seedling Stage

I'll start day 12 with a pic...


Took me a little while to figure this one out, as I am in a strange environment. First of all, both plants have been following the same basic treatment, and even though a mutation slowed Ravinder down, on the left, nothing warned as to what was going to happen. Considering I'm slightly OCD with the cleanliness of the tent, and the average dry weather (plus careful inspection of the whole tent) I discarded the hypothesis of pest. (Insects anyways) Lastly, after autopsy, the root is white as milk, so it was healthy before the event.

Then, in front of the side hole of the tent (left opened) I found a cat claw. Hmm.. Then I remembered having forgotten to give the cat a little extra food before going to bed. Finally, when I talked to my mate about it, he informed me apologetically that the cat already had a record of munching on that lovely Cannabaceae. Darn!

Bad cat? no, dumb me? yeah. Oh well, let's focus on Tabrouka and lock down the tent.

Day 17 - Vegetative Stage

Left for a few days (day 13) after watering the whole pot. Third set was had just popped out. When I came back, the third set was well grown, 4th popping out. The plant was strong enough and the soil dry tip top for transplant. Furthermore, if I have to lose a couple days recovery, I prefer it to be now rather than later.

I struggled a bit to get the plant out, but once out quickly in a 3 gallon root pouch, with the usual sauce: biobiz all mix perlite 1/5 and 30g Easyboost granules for slow release.

AVG nights 19.2C 50% days 25C 32%


OK she looks a bit rough but she aiight. Big arse leaves for a mostly Sativa though

Day 20 - Vegetative Stage

After transplant, she had a few droop and recover session until she seemed to get stable again. She didn'stop growing but slowed down a bit as expected.

Heat is coming. Temps risen to 28C today.

9 tip leaves can be easyly seen now


Day 24 - Vegetative Stage

Going good, but heatwave comin

Topped on day 21

AVG 27C 41%
Leaf folding soon



DAy 26 - Vegetative Stage

Still dry and hot...

Leaf folding under budsites before first defo.

Day 27 - Vegetative Stage

Ok, so, having cut off the 4 top fan leaves to leave a big whole in the middle a couple of hours before turning the lights off on day 26 (some will think I'm mean but it grows so fast), gonna start working on training.

LST started on the branches that reach the edge of the pot in length (4). waiting a little further for the rest. (6)


Day 38 - Flowering Stage

Hello lovely AFN people. Yeah, long time no see..

Well sorry, have to say I'm gutted, wanted to finish this grow but won't be able to for work reasons. I had to leave my mate's house and come back home indefinitely. At least, gives me time to focus on the other one, which I messed up due to being home only on week-ends. In the end, busted both plants tryna be clever.

So my mate didn't keep on LSTing and forgot the odd day of watering :deadhorse:
He asked me if he should LST now, I said if you can level the canopy without snapping branches before the end of the stretch then go for it.

I think it wouldn't be fair to keep on this journal as I don't grow the plant anymore, do it'll be another uncompleted. I'll still put a pic of the end result for the sake of it

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Haha, yes! My mate's been doing alright. Started the same formula but with 30g of EasyBoost, and the result seems much better that my plant back home...
(He didn't really get the LST thing, but well, he's got more bud than me so I'll juste shut the ...)

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