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Hi friend, so today is 49 days, the end of 7 weeks .. Well, it's hard to say if it has any signs of flowering, I probably can't judge it correctly, but probably yes, even if it takes time to heh, it has grown a bit again and I would say that a little on the tops I don't know if I can endure or switch. I think I managed to take a picture of the sex with my bad mobile phone, which is there for about 3 weeks, even though it's quite small, about 2 mm. I'm adding photos so look at it pls. Have a nice day.


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Remember, I am no expert. She looks like she is maybe in pre-flower.
Are you switching/switched to bloom nutrients?
You could still be 6+weeks away. I dont know the specifics on that one, but my DP Euforia I chopped at 12.5 weeks and I reckon it should have stayed in for another week give or take.

Please dont compare your plant to other peoples. I know it's hard, but some people have a ton of experience, knowledge and as close to perfect environment as possible. Also, genetics play a large part in terms of time line with some plants looking more advanced than yours and it's only 35 days old, but it is a totally different beast.
Just keep going with it I think you should be ok. It looks healthy enough

Let's see how week 8 plays out. I think over the coming week you will have a plant full of tiny bud sites starting to develop.

Good to speak with you again.
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Maybe yes, I would really like to look at it, unfortunately I can't display the attachment, I don't know why ..


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Hi today is the plant has grown nicely again has about 70 cm still that I have a home cabinet I had to lift the lid xD I can still lift one meter so I'm calm heh. It doesn't bloom much yet, but the truth isn't that old, I'll wait. Peace


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She looks to b flowering defo. Most of the weight is put on in last few weeks. Maybe start bloom nutes soon.
Keep it up. She looks good. Well done bro!!
Hello bud. How you? Hope your plant is showing you more flower now.
She is going to be big, by the looks of her!!
Hi buddy, I was away for work for a few days and now it's back. You were right it bloomed but is it a male or some strange hermaphrodite? I have nerves but nothing, a friend from whom I have a seed gets behind my ears .. What can be done I have to start again ..


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It looks like a Male to me. Balls where buds should be. You may want to get a second opinion on it as I am not an advanced grower. Post a pic and the question in new growers section?
Probably want to get rid if it is a Male plant.
Yeah bro it's a male well what can be done, I'm just sorry that I discovered it only now .. I've already ordered new seeds I won't give up hh plus a new light viparspectra and some gauges, so I reckon I'll start again next week perhaps happier, thanks anyway for all the advice and good luck buddy
No problem bro. It's a shame, big plant, good colour. Give the place a good clean, just incase of any pollen.
You will smash it next go!!
When you start tag me in, please.

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  • Auto Mazar
    Hi today is the 4th day after soaking the seeds and today it peeked out of the soil.