The Messy 4 XD

5 Weeks.
2 Gallon Pots.
Light: Viparspectra p2000
Pro Mix.

First time training Autos.


4 of the messy 6 are now done.
The other 2 are 2 weeks behind.
I will be posting in detail methods of training.
Which Vatamins and when.
Light Schedule.
Pictures and everything else but I need these 2 to finish.
In the meantime this is a pic from last night from Plant #2


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More notes on training autos.
2 Gallon Pots are a big no no.
Stretching the living shit out of Autos does not work either.
Aiming for 8 to 10 colas is fine.
Not 5 or 15.
Giving them a 1 week off from training is a mistake.
First 4 plants:


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The Messy 4 and the other 2 behind gave me 180 Grams of dry weed.
30 grams per plant more or less.
2 gallon pots will only get you so far no matter how you train them but it's the space I had and that's what I got.
Overall I feel really good about this harvest.
Notes on training Autos:
6 Plants all trained differently.
Some tighter than others.
Some let loose for a week then tied again.
At the end of this harvest, I will weigh each plant individually and see which ones or which method seem to work best.
My space is kinda limited but I will pull it off like I always do.
Flowering in this heat is less than ideal but they seem to be thriving.
Overall I think I'm going in the right direction. I can't wait to show the end results.
Nothing spectacular to report about.
Each plant yielded about 30 grams.
They were grown on 2 Gallon pots.
No matter what I did or did not do during training, they produced more or less the same ammount of weed.
But I do have a winner and a loser:
8 More plants.
2 Gallon Pots.
2 weeks and couple days.
The little one is 1 week and 4.
These are more of TattooChase seeds.
Growing under a Viparspectra p2000 and Pro Mix.
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First tie on these 8 autos.
I was able to expose almost everything I wanted.
Super happy with how they are growing.
When training a plant, I have learned that there is absolutely no need to go to extremes.
They don't have to look like a dinner plate nor they should be left to grow on their own without any training either.
The truth lies somewhere in between.
You have to judge how your plant is responding to your manipulations.
This will only be learned with some experience which I am greatly enjoying.
I want to thank everyone for their comments and support always.
This is a great forum :3
There are differing opinions on training. Some say no, some say low, some advocate butchery! In my experience, once the plant is established ( say 3 to 4 weeks) anything is possible. I kind of lean towards the butchery (really just topping) side.
There are differing opinions on training. Some say no, some say low, some advocate butchery! In my experience, once the plant is established ( say 3 to 4 weeks) anything is possible. I kind of lean towards the butchery (really just topping) side.
I never topped a plant before.
I feel super sad and guilty about it :/
There are differing opinions on training. Some say no, some say low, some advocate butchery! In my experience, once the plant is established ( say 3 to 4 weeks) anything is possible. I kind of lean towards the butchery (really just topping) side.
butchery lmao 😂😂😂

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