test 4

test quad.jpg

this is a page in blog entry 4


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Hey man, I know you are trying to get the whole blog thing figured out; Is it easier to navigate and manage the blogs on pc? I've been using the mobile platform but haven't started to make the plunge into blogging yet. But I want to start a journal soon and try some mythbusting experiments with budget grows.
PC is always easier if you ask me. Most things are built to pc then modified to mobile platform. On your mobile, if you have the option, click the radio button [3 dots vertical] and click "desktop site" it will allow your mobile to display the pc version of the layout. This is for Android phones

Edit: radio button is aka a drop down menu or a button on ur screen, most likely IN the browser that is open by the icon showing you how many tabs you have open

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Read time
1 min read
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