Sugar Breath (HSO 2020 contest strain)

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This is where I'm posting up all pics and info I have about the sugar breath. She's potted in a mix of 3-1 potter's gold to coco. The plants seem to be loving the new mix. Getting some thick root balls on the ones I've cut down recently. She is also getting my standard feeding schedule for photoperiods.
(the entire schedule is posted on it's own page, for ease in reading/copying)
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<----2 gal pot vs. 5 gal pot ------>
Next page: 45 days
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About author
I am a grower of decent experience, but not decades. I consider myself to have a good idea of what I am doing, but not quite at a professional level yet. Until very recently I have had to devote too much time to my studies to do that, but I am hoping to take things to the next level here in the near future, and appreciate any help. I grow mostly autos, mostly Mephisto, with a few random strains thrown in here and there to make things interesting. I have two solid photo phenos I have as clones, but my auto strains are constantly changing. I would love to grow, possibly breed, some good CBD strains, but haven't found what I am looking for yet. Feel free to leave comments, questions, on any of my postings. I'm pretty good at replying, because I work online in graphic design.


its not flowered yet.She's IN flower, though. I've been getting my ass kicked in school, havent had time to update since it started, till today. I'm about to update this journal. I've got about 3 pages worth of photos and growing for you to peruse. I just posted her on twitter, too @swamplillys.
If you wanna see all the pages, then come back tonight. I did a step-by-step photo montage of the gridding process.
She is now 5.5 feet tall, and fills an entire 4x4x7 tent SCROGged out.

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