Sugar Breath (HSO 2020 contest strain)

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This is where I'm posting up all pics and info I have about the sugar breath. She's potted in a mix of 3-1 potter's gold to coco. The plants seem to be loving the new mix. Getting some thick root balls on the ones I've cut down recently. She is also getting my standard feeding schedule for photoperiods.
(the entire schedule is posted on it's own page, for ease in reading/copying)
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<----2 gal pot vs. 5 gal pot ------>

45 days

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Here is my beautiful Sugar Breath. I was a little worried at first, because all of the other strain I picked, the Bubba's Gift, 4/5 did not sprout, and the one that did was less than 10 in tall @ 25 days. But she has taken right off like a rocket. I like her compact size, and her branching. She seems to be getting a nice smell to her at this point as well, like musky almonds almost. But who knows what its going to end up smelling like in flower. I'm encouraged by the fact that her stem has a smell at all, because not everything does in veg. Just usually the good ones. She has her own 300w light right now, and when she goes into flower, shes going to get something VERY special. Maybe one of my brand new lights. we will see. She's got a little while to go yet.

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as you can see, she has been trimmed up a couple of times now. I've had to otherwise she would have grown into herself. I will say that about her. She's a bit leafy right now. I hope she stays as compact as she is, so that I can fit more of her in a place in the future. As long as she's nice, I may keep her alongside my glue breath and london bridge for a while. we will see. For sure going to take cuts before I put her in flower.

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30 day photo page (contest required photo)

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This is the photo I entered into the thread for the HSO 2020 Grow Off competition. Not the best photo, but it was their dark period, and I had to sneak in to take these because I almost forgot. But here they are.. This was not too long after she had been topped. At this point I still wasnt sure what she would look like.
I put this one in so you could see the growth on the secondaries.
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they were pretty decent, for her age. And here is the size of her
fans. they are probably going to get bigger as she gets older.
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59-60 days veg

She has BLOWN UP. I started her out in a small pot, because I didnt know what she was going to do. But I transplanted her into a 5 gal just a little while ago, and she is doing BEAUTIFULLY.
She was a little stressed after the transplant. I shouldnt have taken off foliage too, but she was so busy, she was growing into herself, so I thought it worth the risk. I have a transplant mix that seems to work wonders for preventing shock. they all seem to just blow up when I transplant, even the autos. So it had to be the defoliation. You cant really tell anymore, though, and she's starting to stretch her arms out, get used to her new space and I can tell shes about to explode. She's already over 4ft. I lost my yard stick so I cant measure her in the photos right now. I'm in the process of getting new tents, so things are REALLY hectic in the rooms right now.

She is following my normal photoperiod feed schedule, (which I will have posted soon. It is in my other journals if you need to peek before I get it in. All on one page, for easy read)
I had a Bubba's gift, too, that I started out with. only one out of 5 that popped. I had to kill it the other day because it hermied on me. full on nuts on the bottom, flowers on the top. weird.

wk 1 in flower

sugar breath Friday, ‎September ‎18, ‎202 wk 1 flower (1) (2).jpg
so I dont have much in the way of photos for her right on this page. She's really tall, though, almost too tall for the lights, and shes still got her stretching to do at this point. She will go into flower next week
Sugar Breath week 1 flower ‎Saturday, ‎September ‎26, ‎2020 (5) (2).jpg
sugar breath Friday, ‎September ‎18, ‎202 wk 1 flower (1) (2).jpg

start of wk 2 flower

sugar breath ‎Sunday, ‎October ‎4, ‎2020 (23) (2).jpg
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About author
I am a grower of decent experience, but not decades. I consider myself to have a good idea of what I am doing, but not quite at a professional level yet. Until very recently I have had to devote too much time to my studies to do that, but I am hoping to take things to the next level here in the near future, and appreciate any help. I grow mostly autos, mostly Mephisto, with a few random strains thrown in here and there to make things interesting. I have two solid photo phenos I have as clones, but my auto strains are constantly changing. I would love to grow, possibly breed, some good CBD strains, but haven't found what I am looking for yet. Feel free to leave comments, questions, on any of my postings. I'm pretty good at replying, because I work online in graphic design.


its not flowered yet.She's IN flower, though. I've been getting my ass kicked in school, havent had time to update since it started, till today. I'm about to update this journal. I've got about 3 pages worth of photos and growing for you to peruse. I just posted her on twitter, too @swamplillys.
If you wanna see all the pages, then come back tonight. I did a step-by-step photo montage of the gridding process.
She is now 5.5 feet tall, and fills an entire 4x4x7 tent SCROGged out.

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