Sugar Breath (HSO 2020 contest strain)

sugar breath Friday, ‎September ‎18, ‎202 wk 1 flower (1) (2).jpg

wk 1 in flower

so I dont have much in the way of photos for her right on this page. She's really tall, though, almost too tall for the lights, and shes still got her stretching to do at this point. She will go into flower next week
Sugar Breath week 1 flower ‎Saturday, ‎September ‎26, ‎2020 (5) (2).jpg
sugar breath Friday, ‎September ‎18, ‎202 wk 1 flower (1) (2).jpg
Next page: start of wk 2 flower
Previous page: 59-60 days veg


its not flowered yet.She's IN flower, though. I've been getting my ass kicked in school, havent had time to update since it started, till today. I'm about to update this journal. I've got about 3 pages worth of photos and growing for you to peruse. I just posted her on twitter, too @swamplillys.
If you wanna see all the pages, then come back tonight. I did a step-by-step photo montage of the gridding process.
She is now 5.5 feet tall, and fills an entire 4x4x7 tent SCROGged out.

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