Sugar Breath (HSO 2020 contest strain)

59-60 days veg

She has BLOWN UP. I started her out in a small pot, because I didnt know what she was going to do. But I transplanted her into a 5 gal just a little while ago, and she is doing BEAUTIFULLY.
She was a little stressed after the transplant. I shouldnt have taken off foliage too, but she was so busy, she was growing into herself, so I thought it worth the risk. I have a transplant mix that seems to work wonders for preventing shock. they all seem to just blow up when I transplant, even the autos. So it had to be the defoliation. You cant really tell anymore, though, and she's starting to stretch her arms out, get used to her new space and I can tell shes about to explode. She's already over 4ft. I lost my yard stick so I cant measure her in the photos right now. I'm in the process of getting new tents, so things are REALLY hectic in the rooms right now.

She is following my normal photoperiod feed schedule, (which I will have posted soon. It is in my other journals if you need to peek before I get it in. All on one page, for easy read)
I had a Bubba's gift, too, that I started out with. only one out of 5 that popped. I had to kill it the other day because it hermied on me. full on nuts on the bottom, flowers on the top. weird.


its not flowered yet.She's IN flower, though. I've been getting my ass kicked in school, havent had time to update since it started, till today. I'm about to update this journal. I've got about 3 pages worth of photos and growing for you to peruse. I just posted her on twitter, too @swamplillys.
If you wanna see all the pages, then come back tonight. I did a step-by-step photo montage of the gridding process.
She is now 5.5 feet tall, and fills an entire 4x4x7 tent SCROGged out.

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