Sugar Breath (HSO 2020 contest strain)

30 day photo page (contest required photo)

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This is the photo I entered into the thread for the HSO 2020 Grow Off competition. Not the best photo, but it was their dark period, and I had to sneak in to take these because I almost forgot. But here they are.. This was not too long after she had been topped. At this point I still wasnt sure what she would look like.
I put this one in so you could see the growth on the secondaries.
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they were pretty decent, for her age. And here is the size of her
fans. they are probably going to get bigger as she gets older.
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Next page: 59-60 days veg
Previous page: 45 days
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its not flowered yet.She's IN flower, though. I've been getting my ass kicked in school, havent had time to update since it started, till today. I'm about to update this journal. I've got about 3 pages worth of photos and growing for you to peruse. I just posted her on twitter, too @swamplillys.
If you wanna see all the pages, then come back tonight. I did a step-by-step photo montage of the gridding process.
She is now 5.5 feet tall, and fills an entire 4x4x7 tent SCROGged out.

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