Salts First Grow - 10 Six Shooters by 420fastbuds 2 Sour Stompers by Mephisto

:yoinks: What The Shit am I Doing!? :yoinks:
"Use your brain Salty!"

Hello I go by the name salty, why u might ask
really ain't gotta clue was one of my old Xbox/PlayStation gaming names and I'm sticking with it.
Today I'm going to be popping the growing cherry like virgin Mary!
Sit back grab some bud and watch this monstrosity of what's going to take place in my neck of the woods.


Day 1
Little sweet things popped out of the soil!
Started my light intensity at 40% and a little to high above the canopy since I'm not so aware of the power that these light hold.
Day 1 was also the first actual water I gave at 5.8 ph (not counting dampening the soil from seed).
This is going to be changed though and bumped up to 6-6.5 since I forgot soil is better with higher ph levels at least from some things I've read.

Day 2
Didn't do really anything due to it being a waiting game at this point
Making sure rh/temp is stable in the room.
I did adjust the thermostat because the room was reaching 80 degrees set it to 66 and now I'm getting temps of 70-78
Light intensity is now set to 42% plants are looking great.

Day 3
Some plants started looking like they were stretching so I lowered the light another foot and bumped up the intensity to 44% Thinking next grow I'm going to start the intensity at 50% and have the lights lower. co2 in the room is reading around 600 average. The end of this week I will bump it to 700ppm. Last photo is the littlest.
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Day 4
Set the co2 to 700ppm and bumped the lights to 45%. Tomorrow I'm going to increase the intensity in increments of 2 until I get to 50%. Today was a watering day with a ph of 6.7 I dampened the middle and watered the sides of the pot really good until I got runoff. Oh! almost forgot i got saucers and pot elevators.

Day 5
Light intensity set to 47% co2 set to 800 ppm and will maintain that until they get a few nodes. temp/rh is reading very steady numbers of 73-77.

Day 6
Light set to 50% temps are showing the same day/night and growth is looking better. Girl on the left is looking odd and likes to stretch.

Day 7
Girls are starting to pray more often when the light is on. temp staying in the 70s and the light intensity has been increased to 51%

Week 2

:growing:Week 2:growing:

Day 8
Today was a watering day, seems like when i water though the girls stop praying but that's the only thing that changes. Light intensity is set to 52%.

Day 9
1% of light increase everyday. Nothing I can say really other then some growth spurts from the girls. I did see the temp dip down to 71 which is fine some plants first leaves are looking odd still not sure what's the deal with that.

Day 10
Light increased by 1% it really does amaze me at how fast they grow everyday!

Day 11
55% on the light still doing 1% a day. Tomorrow is watering! wanted to do a day extra to dry the soil a tad bit to get those roots searching a bit more and I’m seeing fucking fungus nats.... I knew I should’ve got different soil.

Day 12
56% light. Watered 6.9 ph.

Day 13
57% light Seeing some curling a bit in the leaves not sure the reasoning.

Day 14
Didn't change the light. Tomorrow is going to be a watering day. Should I use Cal mag?

Week 3

Week 3

Day 15
Put up sticky traps due to me starting to see fungus gnats. I am watering correctly which is odd that I have them in the garden. :sadcry:

Day 16
The girls are nice and perky and haven't seen anything but water still

Day 17
Gave them a watering and tested run off which read 6.4 phPretty happy with that.

Day 18
Noticed weird brown spots on one of the leaves.

Day 19
Praying plants have seen some yellowing on the tips of new leaves but goes away.

Day 20
they are not looking to happy in my opinion. Need some input. I have controlled the gnats and have only seen a few now.


Welp I've been super busy and had little to no time to update this journal of my first grow. Really upset I couldn't complete this whole journal but hopefully next grow I can make a full fledged updated one. So far though the 2 sour stompers are dried and beginning the cure. All of the six shooters are in the dark period for 48 hours and than its cutting down time for them!

2 Sour Stompers!
I'd say for my absolute first time growing anything let alone mj 7.62 ounces not to shabby. Tons more room for improvement! I'm so happy though.

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