Completed RQS Northern Lights Auto - 3 Northern Lights Sisters - How to Get Everything Wrong

ok so, this is my second grow, first journal.

3 plants in 3 gallon fabric pots.

Tent 80x80x160cm
BestVA 600w reflector
2x 15w fans

Ana -> Biobiz Lightmix
Nina -> Biobiz Lightmix + 50g RQS Easyboost
Jeka -> Biobiz Lightmix + Homemade Compost

Nutes -> Homemade (household compost, 7 day banana skin water, dried and roasted banana in powder)
Water -> Pre-boiled bottled water PH6.39
Next page: Seedling Stage
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Overview Seedling Stage    Day 0 - Seedling Stage    Day 1 - Seedling Stage    Day 2 - Seedling Stage    Day 3 - Seedling Stage    Day 4 - Seedling Stage    Day 5 - Seedling Stage    Day 6 - Seedling Stage    Day 7 - Seedling Stage    Day 8 - Seedling Stage    Day 10 - Seedling Stage    Day 13 - Seedling Stage Vegetative Stage    Day 15 - Vegetative Stage    Day 16 - Vegetative Stage    Day 17 - Vegetative Stage    Day 18 - Vegetative Stage    Day 20 - Vegetative Stage    Day 22 - Vegetative Stage    Day 25 - Vegetative Stage    Day 27 - Vegetative Stage    Day 29 - Vegetative Stage    Day 31 - Vegetative Stage    Day 32 - Vegetative Stage    Day 33 - Vegetative Stage    Day 34 - Vegetative Stage    Day 35 - Vegetative Stage Flowering Stage    Day 36 - Flowering Stage    Day 38 - Flowering Stage    Day 39 - Flowering Stage    Day 40 - Flowering Stage    Day 41 - Flowering Stage    Day 42 - Flowering Stage    Day 43 - Flowering Stage    Day 45 - Flowering Stage    Day 46 - Flowering Stage    Day 54 - Flowering Stage    Day 55 - Flowering Stage    Day 56 - Flowering Stage    Day 60 - Flowering Stage    Day 61 - Flowering Stage    Day 62 - Flowering Stage    Day 64 - Flowering Stage    Day 65 - Flowering Stage    Day 67 - Flowering Stage    Day 68 - Flowering Stage    Day 71 - Flowering Stage    Day 73 - Flowering Stage    Day 75 - Flowering Stage    Day 79 - Flowering Stage    Day 80 - Flowering Stage    Day 81 - Flowering Stage    Day 83 - Flowering Stage    Day 84 - Flowering Stage    Day 87 - Flowering Stage    Day 89 - Flowering Stage    Day 94 - Flowering Stage    Day 97 - Flowering Stage Day 102 - Chop Off! Day 114 - Trim & Cure View full entry

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