Completed RQS Northern Lights Auto - 3 Northern Lights Sisters - How to Get Everything Wrong

ok so, this is my second grow, first journal.

3 plants in 3 gallon fabric pots.

Tent 80x80x160cm
BestVA 600w reflector
2x 15w fans

Ana -> Biobiz Lightmix
Nina -> Biobiz Lightmix + 50g RQS Easyboost
Jeka -> Biobiz Lightmix + Homemade Compost

Nutes -> Homemade (household compost, 7 day banana skin water, dried and roasted banana in powder)
Water -> Pre-boiled bottled water PH6.39

Seedling Stage


The 3 girls go in a cup full of tap water.

Day 0 - Seedling Stage

24 hours later 1 is down, 2 still up but they go down with a tap.

-> in the paper towel.

Ana germinates on the 19th, and Nina and Jeka germinate on the 20th.

In pots -> Lights at 30 inches (75cm) (Vegetative switch ON only)

Day 1 - Seedling Stage

Ana sprouts in the morning, Jeka in the afternoon

Nina sprouts (yellow leaves :-O )

All put under mini domes.
Light schedule: 0545-2045
RH 75% - Temp: 71.6 (22 celcius)

Day 2 - Seedling Stage


Scared of watering due to bad past experiences of over-watering.
I just realized I did not water the soil before sowing.

RH: 70%
Temp: 72 (22 celcius)

Day 3 - Seedling Stage


Slowly growing, little splash of water in circle around the girls

RH: 69%
Temp: 73 (23 celcius)

Day 4 - Seedling Stage


Real leaves are slowly getting bigger

RH: 67%
Temp: 73 (23 celcius)

Day 5 - Seedling Stage


Slow growth, I probably give too little amounts of water too often, and should do the opposite.

RH: 68%
Temp: 72 (22 celcius)

Day 6 - Seedling Stage


Quick spray, little water in larger circles.

RH: 67%
Temp: 73 (23 celcius)

Day 7 - Seedling Stage


Growing at a steady pace.

RH: 65%
Temp: 72.5 (22.5 celcius)

Day 8 - Seedling Stage


Tiny second set of leaves on all of them.

RH: 63%
Temp: 72 (22 celcius)

Day 10 - Seedling Stage


3rd set of leaves (real leaves) growing except for Jeka. Jeka starting a malformation.
Quick spray + splash of water around in large circles.

RH: 63%
Temp: 72 (22 celcius)

Day 13 - Seedling Stage


Quick spray + splash round the edges.
Slow growth.
Still no 2nd set of real leaves for Jeka.

RH: 63%
Temp: 73 (23 celcius)

Vegetative Stage


Day 15 - Vegetative Stage


Ana 3rd set of real leaves started. Jeka's 2nd set of real leaves finally started, but weird.

RH: 64%
Temp: 74 (23 celcius)

Day 16 - Vegetative Stage


2nd set of leaves finally growing ok for Nina and Jeka.
Quick spray + splash around the edges.

RH: 66%
Temp: 75 (24 celcius)

Day 17 - Vegetative Stage


Jeka started a 3rd set shortly after the 2nd, and both are mis-shaped.
Lights have been lowered at 24 inches (63cm)

RH: 67%
Temp: 75 (24 celcius)

Day 18 - Vegetative Stage


Quick spray + 0.25L distributed evenly between the 3.

RH: 63%
Temp: 73 (23 celcius)

Day 20 - Vegetative Stage


Recap: Slow start. I think I should have watered the soil before sowing. Ana started stronger than the others, Nina a bit weaker, and Jeka is strange.

Dehumidifier plugged in, set-up at 50% to hit the mid 50's.

RH: 54%
Temp: 73 (23 celcius)

Day 22 - Vegetative Stage


No obvious sign of growth except for Jeka.
Going on a week-end break, so putting the timer on the light. (with timer on, there is still a dimmed light shining, darn!)
Jeka is splitting in two stems, like if it had been topped.

RH: 52%
Temp: 72 (22 celcius)

Day 25 - Vegetative Stage



Ana is making a bit of height, but is still too small for 5 nodes. Nina same with 4th node.
Quick spray + 0.25L each.

RH: 53%
Temp: 73 (23 celcius)

Day 27 - Vegetative Stage


Quick spray + 0.5L water each
Picking up normal growth speed

RH: 58%
Temp: 75 (24 celcius)

Day 29 - Vegetative Stage


Quick spray + 0.5L water. Bit of a rough night out, fell asleep with the lights on until midnight :kitty: duuh..

RH: 56%
Temp: 75 (24 celcius)

Day 31 - Vegetative Stage


All growing at a normal pace after sunt probably due to under-watering.

RH: 59%
Temp: 74 (23 celcius)

Day 32 - Vegetative Stage


All are starting to build a trunk. Nina and Ana 180 degree turn. (Nina is bending looking for more light. Her placement being correct to get enough makes me think the light does not perform enough) I can now see there is stretching, but did not really notice at the time being focused on the problem of slow growth.
We can already see pistils!!!! :yoinks: :sadcry:

RH: 57%
Temp: 74 (23 celcius)



Day 33 - Vegetative Stage


Ok the girls have clearly been under-watered due to my over-watering paranoia. They are now struggling to get to a decent size before flowering. Hope they'll get a good stretch by then. At least Ana and Jeka are building good foundations in the form of trunks.
I also realize that by filling my pots with just enough soil is not enough, as with the tightening of the soil after a few waterings the pots ended up with about 2 or 3 inches of empty space.

Tutors in the form of chopsticks to help straight growth.

RH: 60%
Temp: 75 (24 celcius)

Day 34 - Vegetative Stage


Ana -> 11 inches
Jeka -> 10.2 inches
Nina -> 6.3 inches

Spray + 0.5L each

RH: 63%
Temp: 75 (24.5 celcius)

Day 35 - Vegetative Stage


All started flowering, leaving on veg' for one more day.

RH: 64%
Temp: 75 (24.5 celcius)

Flowering Stage


Both Veg' and Bloom switches on.

Day 36 - Flowering Stage


Both switches ON.
Very thirsty in the evening (leaves looking tired)
Spray + 0.5L each.

RH: 54%
Temp: 79 (26 celcius)

Day 38 - Flowering Stage


Ana -> 13.8 inches
Jeka -> 14.2 inches
Nina -> 9.8 inches

RH: 55%
Temp: 79 (26 celcius)

Day 39 - Flowering Stage


Ana -> 14.5 inches
Jeka -> 16.5 inches
Nina -> 11.4 inches

RH: 54%
Temp: 79 (26 celcius)

Day 40 - Flowering Stage


Ana -> 14.5 inches
Jeka -> 18.1 inches
Nina -> 12.2 inches

RH: 52%
Temp: 79 (26 celcius)

Day 41 - Flowering Stage


Spray + 0.5L each.
Added 20cl banana water to Ana's water.

RH: 51%
Temp: 77 (25 celcius)

Day 42 - Flowering Stage


Nina getting dark green and new leaves are slightly floppy. There we go, I got me a Nitrogen toxicity, and can't do anything about it coz it's in the soil.

Ana -> 14.5 inches
Jeka -> 19.7 inches
Nina -> 12.6 inches

RH: 53%
Temp: 75 (24 celcius)

Day 43 - Flowering Stage


RH: 48%
Temp: 75 (24 celcius)




Day 45 - Flowering Stage


Spray + 0.5L each.
Ana and Jeka with 0.25L added banana water.

Timer ON as going on holidays. Lights out 1030pm
Humidifier set up at 40% to hit the mid 40s

Day 46 - Flowering Stage


Timer lighting schedule: 0545am 1045pm
Hook to help straightening Ana as top bud is getting too heavy.
Buds getting taller. Nice fruity dank smell.

RH: 47%
Temp: 77 (25 celcius)

Day 54 - Flowering Stage


Coming back from holiday. Watering done by a friend on 06/05 and 13/05.
Timer back off.
All a bit twister. Tutors to help straightening up.

RH: 47%
Temp: 80 (27 celcius)

No more pictures, phone busted.

Day 55 - Flowering Stage


Quite a few amber pistils, even a fezw amber tricomes on Ana. But buds are still light.
Jeka lost a few fan leaves already.
Spray + 0.5L each.
Ana and Jeka get a full 0.5L banana water mixe with water.

RH: 47%
Temp: 80 (26 celcius)

Day 56 - Flowering Stage


Power cut, one of the fans turned off, did not notice until next morning.
Ana and Nina switch places

RH: 69% brought back to 51% in an hour.
Temp: 79 (26 celcius)

Lights out 0900pm

Day 60 - Flowering Stage


Got my phone back, so pics too.
Buds fattening up. Smell getting stronger and more mature.
Nina: 0.5L water
Ana: Quick top feed of banana powder
Jeka: nothing as still humid in soil

RH: 51%
Temp: 75 (24 celcius)




Day 61 - Flowering Stage


Jeka: Spray + 0.5L water + pinch of banana powder as top feed.
Ana fell over as her top bud has become too heavy for her. Tutor placed at the base of the trunk, secured by chicken wire on middle and top of the trunk.

Ana & Jeka seem to flower on top of flowers.
Quite a few milky tricomes on Jeka, a few Amber ones on Ana but still transparent ones too.

Loads of stuff happening with this grow. Good for experience.

RH: 47%
Temp: 76 (24.5 Celsius)

Day 62 - Flowering Stage


Nothing much to say today except Jeka lost a couple more leaves, Ana's are starting to yellow a bit, but Nina stays in that nitro tox dark green.. But well, buds keep getting fatter. Skinny girls'll probably yield an ounce and half. We'll see..

RH: 46%
TEMP: 77 (25 Celsius)


Day 64 - Flowering Stage


Spray + 0.5L water for Jeka and Nina. Soil of Ana is still humid.

Been watching AFN members' plants all day long so felt a bit depressed this afternoon opening the tent checking on my skinnies.. :kitty: but well documenting it will allow me to see my progress hopefully..

RH: 40%
Temp:82.5 (28.2 Celsius)

Day 65 - Flowering Stage


Spray + 0.5L for Ana

RH: 44%
Temp: 84.5 (29.2 celsius)

Day 67 - Flowering Stage


Jeka has almost no fan leaves left. Ana is losing a few more fan leaves, and top fan leaves tips are slightly burnt. (probably a little too much banana powder) Nina's fan leaves are starting to turn yellow.

RH: 45%
Temp: 78.8 (26 celsius)

Day 68 - Flowering Stage


Spray plus 0.5L water each

RH: 43%
Temp: 78.8 (26 Celsius)

Day 71 - Flowering Stage


Spray plus 0.5L water each

RH: 44%
Temp: 78 (25.8 Celsius)

Day 73 - Flowering Stage


Buds keep growing slowly but surely.

RH: 48%
Temp: 82.4 (28 Celsius)

Day 75 - Flowering Stage


Spray + 0.5L water for each

I can definitely see buds growing over buds

RH: 47%
Temp: 83.3 (28.5 celsius)

Day 79 - Flowering Stage


Spray + 0.5L water each

RH: 44%
Temp: 80.6 (27 celsius)

Day 80 - Flowering Stage


Just waiting for tricomes to get the perfect milky and amber balance.

RH: 44%
Temp: 83.3 (28.5 celsius)





Day 81 - Flowering Stage


Took Ana out the tent to check tricomes. It was confirmed that I was talking bull on day 55 saying tricomes were getting darker. Just got fooled by the light. Under real light, tricomes are evidently still too transparent to harvest, so I still got time. Northern Lights Auto can go up to 84 days in optimal conditions as per seller's info, but I'm far from having optimal conditions, and if there's one thing sure about nature, it's that it loves to make us wait. So I'll wait, and take Ana back into the tent.

Then it happened. As I grabbed it from the sides of the fabric pot (big mistake) one side drops off my fingers and to the floor, bending the main stem until it snapped! :eek1:
Really considered putting it out to dry, but in the end decided to stick it back up against its wooden tutor, and add a bit a tape around it. As Jorge always says, tape can work wonders.

I'll leave them in the light an extra hour today and balance it out tomorrow to maintain 12 hours night.

RH: 42%
Temp: 82.4 (28 celsius)

Day 83 - Flowering Stage


Soil still too humid too water again.

RH: 40%
Temp: 80.6 (27 celsius)


Day 84 - Flowering Stage


No indications of any rotting on Ana's stem, no discoloring. Looks like she's healing. But obviously every faintest fattening of bud has stopped. We'll wait, see, and learn.

Spray + 0.5L water each.

RH: 42%
Temp: 77.5 (25.3 celsius)




Day 87 - Flowering Stage


We're passed the recommended flowering time and harvest time, but they're showing that they still want more. Tricomes have barely started to get slightly milky.
These last three days have seen higher temps than usual, but nothing alarming. Just a bit annoying at the end of the flowering stage. At least it did not go over 89 (31.7 celsisus) in the tent.

RH: 37%
Temps: 88.5 (31.5 celsius)

Day 89 - Flowering Stage


Spray + 0.5L each

RH: 49%
Temps: 82.4 (28 celsius)

Day 94 - Flowering Stage


Getting a bit restless and waiting to harvest now. Trics are getting cloudier but not quite yes milky. Patience.

Spray + 0.5L each

RH: 45%
Temps: 82.4 (28 celsius)



Day 97 - Flowering Stage


Getting very frosty. Tricomes are a mix of all shades, transparent cloudy white and amber.. But transparent is getting rare in there.
I think I've done everything I could sticking to my rules after this difficult grow. Next time won't make that mistake of underwatering again. But more and more, I realize that it's better to grow one plant only with this LED.

Decided to leave the girls on with 1 less hour of light to scare them a bit until I get to 100 days. Then I'll give em 2 days rest and chop.

RH: 46%
Temp: 93 (28.3 celsius)

Day 102 - Chop Off!


After 48 hours darkness, that's a chop!! :woohoo1: Now starting the drying process. Gonna start first week around the 50s in RH. Temp is a bit high still at about 79 average during the day and 76 at night.

Will update with a final entry with th dry weight and a couple of pics! Soon comes my favorite part..

Day 114 - Trim & Cure


14 days drying: 50% day 52% night avg RH 26.5 day 26 night avg temp in celsius

Well that's it for this one. Skinny girls got skinnier, and buds ready to go in the jar. The stems are not all snapping but the bigger budes are crispy on the outside and small leaves snap off entirely, so I conclude they're ready.

It's a tiny yield, even smaller than my first grow. My conclusions are that this LED only allows to grow one plant at a time. Furthermore, I messed up the watering stright from the beginning of the grow.

I'm a bit embarassed, but well. Decided to finish my grows whatever happens, so there we go.

Did a rough trim and left a few of the tiny leaves. Took about 3 grams off.

Some of the tiny lower buds were really dry, so i gathered them and made a joint. I was surprised by the already strong taste it had for an uncured bud. On top of that, they smell really strongly citrus. (to me anyway)

Total dry flowers -> 15g

That's That!



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Table of contents

Overview Seedling Stage    Day 0 - Seedling Stage    Day 1 - Seedling Stage    Day 2 - Seedling Stage    Day 3 - Seedling Stage    Day 4 - Seedling Stage    Day 5 - Seedling Stage    Day 6 - Seedling Stage    Day 7 - Seedling Stage    Day 8 - Seedling Stage    Day 10 - Seedling Stage    Day 13 - Seedling Stage Vegetative Stage    Day 15 - Vegetative Stage    Day 16 - Vegetative Stage    Day 17 - Vegetative Stage    Day 18 - Vegetative Stage    Day 20 - Vegetative Stage    Day 22 - Vegetative Stage    Day 25 - Vegetative Stage    Day 27 - Vegetative Stage    Day 29 - Vegetative Stage    Day 31 - Vegetative Stage    Day 32 - Vegetative Stage    Day 33 - Vegetative Stage    Day 34 - Vegetative Stage    Day 35 - Vegetative Stage Flowering Stage    Day 36 - Flowering Stage    Day 38 - Flowering Stage    Day 39 - Flowering Stage    Day 40 - Flowering Stage    Day 41 - Flowering Stage    Day 42 - Flowering Stage    Day 43 - Flowering Stage    Day 45 - Flowering Stage    Day 46 - Flowering Stage    Day 54 - Flowering Stage    Day 55 - Flowering Stage    Day 56 - Flowering Stage    Day 60 - Flowering Stage    Day 61 - Flowering Stage    Day 62 - Flowering Stage    Day 64 - Flowering Stage    Day 65 - Flowering Stage    Day 67 - Flowering Stage    Day 68 - Flowering Stage    Day 71 - Flowering Stage    Day 73 - Flowering Stage    Day 75 - Flowering Stage    Day 79 - Flowering Stage    Day 80 - Flowering Stage    Day 81 - Flowering Stage    Day 83 - Flowering Stage    Day 84 - Flowering Stage    Day 87 - Flowering Stage    Day 89 - Flowering Stage    Day 94 - Flowering Stage    Day 97 - Flowering Stage Day 102 - Chop Off! Day 114 - Trim & Cure View full entry

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