Completed RQS Northern Lights Auto - 3 Northern Lights Sisters - How to Get Everything Wrong

Day 97 - Flowering Stage


Getting very frosty. Tricomes are a mix of all shades, transparent cloudy white and amber.. But transparent is getting rare in there.
I think I've done everything I could sticking to my rules after this difficult grow. Next time won't make that mistake of underwatering again. But more and more, I realize that it's better to grow one plant only with this LED.

Decided to leave the girls on with 1 less hour of light to scare them a bit until I get to 100 days. Then I'll give em 2 days rest and chop.

RH: 46%
Temp: 93 (28.3 celsius)
Next page: Day 102 - Chop Off!
Previous page: Day 94 - Flowering Stage


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