Hey all!
After the miserable fails of the last two attempts, I insisted hoping to get some bud for christmas, and ended up in a massively positive experience. Comparing notes trying to understand what I did different, I realized that for my last Titan F1, I had almost ran out of perlite. With a decent harvest I didn't bother to buy more perlite considering that there was enough in my Biobizz allmix. When I stuck my finger on that, I actually realized that I remember finding my soil to be heavier, more compact (even leaving gaps on the edge of my pots). It dawned on my that it was the reason why I was struggling to not overwater my plants every time I watered them. And the roots suffered from it. I realized it with this grow when I took some tiny rootball out of my pots.
I also intend to kill my Cheese curse (all my previous cheese attempts were failed) and finally get some cheesy bud to smoke.
So I did not do this entry week by week as I usually do, simply coz I don't want to pollute my blog with failed attempts. A few are enough to demonstrate my issues
These three plants (the sweet skunk never germinated) were grown without added perlite, but I was more careful on the watering and ended up spending half a day every time. I also experienced my first real nutrient toxicity, which I'm happy to have experienced on this grow, as the next one should be back to normal (with added perlite)
After the miserable fails of the last two attempts, I insisted hoping to get some bud for christmas, and ended up in a massively positive experience. Comparing notes trying to understand what I did different, I realized that for my last Titan F1, I had almost ran out of perlite. With a decent harvest I didn't bother to buy more perlite considering that there was enough in my Biobizz allmix. When I stuck my finger on that, I actually realized that I remember finding my soil to be heavier, more compact (even leaving gaps on the edge of my pots). It dawned on my that it was the reason why I was struggling to not overwater my plants every time I watered them. And the roots suffered from it. I realized it with this grow when I took some tiny rootball out of my pots.
I also intend to kill my Cheese curse (all my previous cheese attempts were failed) and finally get some cheesy bud to smoke.
So I did not do this entry week by week as I usually do, simply coz I don't want to pollute my blog with failed attempts. A few are enough to demonstrate my issues
These three plants (the sweet skunk never germinated) were grown without added perlite, but I was more careful on the watering and ended up spending half a day every time. I also experienced my first real nutrient toxicity, which I'm happy to have experienced on this grow, as the next one should be back to normal (with added perlite)