Hey all!
After the miserable fails of the last two attempts, I insisted hoping to get some bud for christmas, and ended up in a massively positive experience. Comparing notes trying to understand what I did different, I realized that for my last Titan F1, I had almost ran out of perlite. With a decent harvest I didn't bother to buy more perlite considering that there was enough in my Biobizz allmix. When I stuck my finger on that, I actually realized that I remember finding my soil to be heavier, more compact (even leaving gaps on the edge of my pots). It dawned on my that it was the reason why I was struggling to not overwater my plants every time I watered them. And the roots suffered from it. I realized it with this grow when I took some tiny rootball out of my pots.
I also intend to kill my Cheese curse (all my previous cheese attempts were failed) and finally get some cheesy bud to smoke.
So I did not do this entry week by week as I usually do, simply coz I don't want to pollute my blog with failed attempts. A few are enough to demonstrate my issues
These three plants (the sweet skunk never germinated) were grown without added perlite, but I was more careful on the watering and ended up spending half a day every time. I also experienced my first real nutrient toxicity, which I'm happy to have experienced on this grow, as the next one should be back to normal (with added perlite)
After the miserable fails of the last two attempts, I insisted hoping to get some bud for christmas, and ended up in a massively positive experience. Comparing notes trying to understand what I did different, I realized that for my last Titan F1, I had almost ran out of perlite. With a decent harvest I didn't bother to buy more perlite considering that there was enough in my Biobizz allmix. When I stuck my finger on that, I actually realized that I remember finding my soil to be heavier, more compact (even leaving gaps on the edge of my pots). It dawned on my that it was the reason why I was struggling to not overwater my plants every time I watered them. And the roots suffered from it. I realized it with this grow when I took some tiny rootball out of my pots.
I also intend to kill my Cheese curse (all my previous cheese attempts were failed) and finally get some cheesy bud to smoke.
So I did not do this entry week by week as I usually do, simply coz I don't want to pollute my blog with failed attempts. A few are enough to demonstrate my issues
These three plants (the sweet skunk never germinated) were grown without added perlite, but I was more careful on the watering and ended up spending half a day every time. I also experienced my first real nutrient toxicity, which I'm happy to have experienced on this grow, as the next one should be back to normal (with added perlite)
Day 1 - Seedling stage
Sweet Skunk didn't make it. The rest germinated in 48hrs (in a cupa water) and sprouted in 2 days (except the Titan F1 which took 3 days to sprout), by 06/10 all were out.
Temps are about 25C during the day, 22 at night and around 50-55%RH, 60 at night
Each in a 3 gal platic pot with holes, except the Titan F1 in a small cup to repot later.
Temps are about 25C during the day, 22 at night and around 50-55%RH, 60 at night
Each in a 3 gal platic pot with holes, except the Titan F1 in a small cup to repot later.
Week 2 - Seedling Stage
Temps are going up to 26, 27, bring in the wet towels... Royal Cheese is already demonstrating little bit more motivation. I'm already struggling with watering, and I'm now pretty sure that there is not enough airflow in my soil.
Week 3 - Vegetative Stage
Tiitan F1 repotted, limited growth for everybody.
I know it's too hot, but right after I took the pictures I reduce temps to 25C and increased humidity to 60%. Not perfect but better than 27.3C 50%.
I know it's too hot, but right after I took the pictures I reduce temps to 25C and increased humidity to 60%. Not perfect but better than 27.3C 50%.
Week 4 - Flowering Stage
Well at that moment there's still weak body mass compare to what there could be. However the Royal Cheese started stretching like crazy
Temps and humidity becoming more manageable, around 24C 50-55%RH
Got me some Biobloom, and offered some Super Boom from boom nutrients graciously offered by Growbarato aka the Green Brand in Spain. Humongous shout out to them, as their warehouse was flooded in the latest catastrophy, and my order did not even suffer a day of delay. Bless all of those who were affected.
No feed as of yet as I did not see them healthy/stable enough for it. Let's wait for proper stretch. (Could've started with the Royal cheese but as we'll see later I did well no to)
Temps and humidity becoming more manageable, around 24C 50-55%RH
Got me some Biobloom, and offered some Super Boom from boom nutrients graciously offered by Growbarato aka the Green Brand in Spain. Humongous shout out to them, as their warehouse was flooded in the latest catastrophy, and my order did not even suffer a day of delay. Bless all of those who were affected.
No feed as of yet as I did not see them healthy/stable enough for it. Let's wait for proper stretch. (Could've started with the Royal cheese but as we'll see later I did well no to)
Week 5 - Flowering Stage
Ok they look all stable enough to receive some nutes, so I'll start with a bit of Biobizz Biobloom, 1ml/L. (They recommend 2ml/L at this stage)
The Royal Cheese is stretching like mad, can't seem to stop it bumpin on the lamp. (Had to raise the other two so they get enough light)
They're not looking massively happy but the buds are growing.. Temps are slowly coming down, we're around an average of 23C / 55%RH
The Royal Cheese is stretching like mad, can't seem to stop it bumpin on the lamp. (Had to raise the other two so they get enough light)
They're not looking massively happy but the buds are growing.. Temps are slowly coming down, we're around an average of 23C / 55%RH
Week 6 - Flowering Stage
Blue Cheese and Titan F1 are very small, and the Royal Cheese keep stretching. But buds are growing fast now. Increase of nutes 2ml/L (Recommended 3ml/L)
Keep in mind that this blog is not live: Titan and Blue Cheese ended early and have already been drying for almost 2 weeks, whereas Royal Cheese is drawing its last breath before chopping very soon. When I chopped the first two, I found two pretty small rootballs with a decent main root, but struggling secondary roots and further. What a mistake to have prepare my soil without perlite when I've always been used to growing with.
Temps are slowly going down, keeping to an average of 23C and RH is nicely playing around the 50%
Keep in mind that this blog is not live: Titan and Blue Cheese ended early and have already been drying for almost 2 weeks, whereas Royal Cheese is drawing its last breath before chopping very soon. When I chopped the first two, I found two pretty small rootballs with a decent main root, but struggling secondary roots and further. What a mistake to have prepare my soil without perlite when I've always been used to growing with.
Temps are slowly going down, keeping to an average of 23C and RH is nicely playing around the 50%
Week 7 - Flowering Stage
Week 7, pushed my luck by increasing the Biobloom to 3ml/L, same as recommended, and added 0.5ml/L of SuperBoom from Boom nutrients that I got as a free sample. I wasn't expecting to get a massive harvest out of this one, but at least to maximise the bit of smoke I was able to make. And what a smoke it turned out to be. Anyways, I'll say more later about that.
Well it's getting frosty at the back, but the skinny girl upfront hasn't started tricomes yet, and is growing buds that are rather... well skinny. I thought I'm defo not boosting nutes too early, but I hadn't yet noticed the slightly burnt leaf tips...
Sorry about the overexposed pics
Well it's getting frosty at the back, but the skinny girl upfront hasn't started tricomes yet, and is growing buds that are rather... well skinny. I thought I'm defo not boosting nutes too early, but I hadn't yet noticed the slightly burnt leaf tips...
Sorry about the overexposed pics
Week 8 - Flowering Stage
Well on week 8, the burnt tips did not really increase, but the leaves turned a notch too dark to my taste for the two in the back, so I got them back to just water. At least them buds are thick, and it's getting frostier. Some of their tricomes are already well cloudy. The Titan's pistils are a good 75% brown, but the Blue Cheese keep pulling up new heads with fresh white ones. We're almost there.
The Royal Cheese is a tad less skinny than the week before, barely started on the tricomes. Evidently this one took the longest. (chopped yesterday actually) I kept it for one more week on 3ml/L of BioBloom, but increased the SuperBoom to 1ml/L.
The Royal Cheese is a tad less skinny than the week before, barely started on the tricomes. Evidently this one took the longest. (chopped yesterday actually) I kept it for one more week on 3ml/L of BioBloom, but increased the SuperBoom to 1ml/L.
Week 9 - Flowering stage / Chop down Blue Cheese and Titan
Well merry xmas and a happy new year!
I hope to finish this blog before starting my next batch. But Christmas really was tasty
A last week for these two plants, with no nutes at all. Leaves are still quite green, but they start to have a lot of brown tricomes so I decided to chop down. Furthermore, it's clear that buds stopped fattening up. Couple of pics after pre dry trim. Buds look denser than usual, even if the plants are small. I'm pretty happy of the result considering how bad I prepared the soil.
Royal Cheese is still going on, fattening (well trying to anyway) its skinny buds.
I hope to finish this blog before starting my next batch. But Christmas really was tasty
A last week for these two plants, with no nutes at all. Leaves are still quite green, but they start to have a lot of brown tricomes so I decided to chop down. Furthermore, it's clear that buds stopped fattening up. Couple of pics after pre dry trim. Buds look denser than usual, even if the plants are small. I'm pretty happy of the result considering how bad I prepared the soil.
Royal Cheese is still going on, fattening (well trying to anyway) its skinny buds.
Week 10 - Flowering stage
So the Royal Cheese kept going on, and seeing how skinny the buds were, I left it to keep on. Looooads of pistils, loads of small leaves, it's going to be a pain to trim, and I'm not very confident in the result. Fan leaves are starting to yellow, but tricomes are not enough cloudy yet.
The Blue Cheese and Titan went for a slow dry for 2 weeks (62% RH 22C) in a small propagator black box, with one small fan blasting low.
The Blue Cheese and Titan went for a slow dry for 2 weeks (62% RH 22C) in a small propagator black box, with one small fan blasting low.
Week 11 - Chop down Royal Cheese
Well, I'm gonna consider it done. I still have a lot of white pistils, but most tricomes are starting to go from white to brown, so it's a chop. Buds are still skinny. (no, really??) sent to dry. or rather stayed to dry in the tent after removing a few fan leaves. I didn't remove too much be fear of drying too quickly and losing the little bit of terps there most probably is, hopefully.
Blue Cheese and Titan have dried for two weeks at about 62%RH and 22C, and as this blog is not live, I'll already show the results here. (pretty frosty)
Happy to finish this blog or rather entry, as it was not the most enjoyable grow although the most eye opening. Now wo talk about live grows, I just put my three F1 seeds in a jar of water and will very soon start a new entry, and I feel pretty confident for this one.
Blue Cheese and Titan have dried for two weeks at about 62%RH and 22C, and as this blog is not live, I'll already show the results here. (pretty frosty)
Happy to finish this blog or rather entry, as it was not the most enjoyable grow although the most eye opening. Now wo talk about live grows, I just put my three F1 seeds in a jar of water and will very soon start a new entry, and I feel pretty confident for this one.