Completed RQS Blue Cheese, Royal Cheese, Titan F1 and Sweet Skunk Autos - Slight Overwatering of Seedlings

  • Author Author DummyGrower
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  • Blog entry read time Blog entry read time 6 min read
Hey all!

After the miserable fails of the last two attempts, I insisted hoping to get some bud for christmas, and ended up in a massively positive experience. Comparing notes trying to understand what I did different, I realized that for my last Titan F1, I had almost ran out of perlite. With a decent harvest I didn't bother to buy more perlite considering that there was enough in my Biobizz allmix. When I stuck my finger on that, I actually realized that I remember finding my soil to be heavier, more compact (even leaving gaps on the edge of my pots). It dawned on my that it was the reason why I was struggling to not overwater my plants every time I watered them. And the roots suffered from it. I realized it with this grow when I took some tiny rootball out of my pots.

I also intend to kill my Cheese curse (all my previous cheese attempts were failed) and finally get some cheesy bud to smoke.

So I did not do this entry week by week as I usually do, simply coz I don't want to pollute my blog with failed attempts. A few are enough to demonstrate my issues :biggrin:

These three plants (the sweet skunk never germinated) were grown without added perlite, but I was more careful on the watering and ended up spending half a day every time. I also experienced my first real nutrient toxicity, which I'm happy to have experienced on this grow, as the next one should be back to normal (with added perlite)
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All buds in jars. Blue cheese and Titans are a really nice smoke, Blue cheese not tasting as much cheese, but very skunky, Titan super fruity and less caramel taste than the last time.

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