Mephisto + Cultured Biologix

Now the mephisto organics

After 1 dose of the foliar spray I officially decided the good soil was gonna get put to the test with no nutrients out of a bottle/pouch! Just amending soil using some home brewed teas! We are now officially at the end of week 4 and going strong with just plain spring water out of a jug with recharge added once a week! :cooldance: Double grape is still showing some tri leaf traits but moved from main stem to the lowest satellite branches! Should just give me an extra bud or 2 and extra trim to go in the edibles! Mmmm mmmm good! :smoking:
Up 1st is the double grape/Day 28/ 13” so far
image.jpg Up top
image.jpg Cover crop coming in thick too! Gr8 soil
Up next pink panama/Day 28 also/ 15” already
image.jpg Up top n oooh so green
image.jpg Def a lanky lady that’s for sure!
Family photo!
image.jpg In front some gold glueXsour stomper!
Loving the mephistos results so far! Ready for da frost to come on! :pass: qqq


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