Hey there!
Our mission to drop and chop something every month this year in a staggered grow is rolling along and we have a couple of new arrivals.
We’d like to shout out @Fast Buds Heather and the rest of the fb team for the chance to run some of their newness, and also a shoutout to our boi @hardcorezgarden for hooking a bro up and helping make it happen.

This month we have dropped and just had sprout a Strawberry Banana and a Mimosa Cake from Fast Buds latest release.
Dont forget to click the follow/watch tab if you’d like to follow along with the grow!

Week 0 Germination and Introduction

Wassup peeps!
We are back at it, the wheel keeps rolling and the garden keeps growing.
happy cinco de mayo and stuff!
Today we had a couple of new seeds pop in our staggered grow and this is their story.

Strains- Fast Buds Strawberry Banana and Mimosa Cake.
Medium- 1gal rootmakers with coco loco, might get transplanted later we shall see.
Nutes- Megacrop for base nutes, recharge and Epsom for add ons.
lights- starting under the 65w autocob and will end up under a 150w qb

Wish them good luck and catch you next week with the next update!

Week 1

We’ve hit week 1 and both babbers are doing fine.
not a lot to allow yet, they’ve received about 500ml of water apiece thru this first week and I’ve had to play with the light distance as I blasted the sprouties with a bit too much light the first day or so.
catch ya next week!

Week 2 Getting ready for a transplant

So we’ve hit week 2 with our Mimosa Cake and Strawberry Banana from Fast Buds and we are doing the do.
We have 2 very very different”body types” going here...
Strawberry Banana is a tall lanky gal and the Mimosa Cake is shorty shorty and squat.
I am going to be transplanting them both into some sexy new homes here sometime this week so I won’t be doing any sort of early training or bending yet.
might just transplant and let them grow natural, orrrr I might go Frankenstein on them. Who knows lol.
they did get their first real feed/soak this week, up to this point it’s been lil shots of tap water and recharge thru out the week.
We are starting the feed at .5tsp of megacrop and .5tsp of Epsom. I’ll up that or lower that over the coming weeks as necessary but I’ve found that’s been a decent starting point.
Catch you next week with the next update and be in the lookout for some sexy new digs for the plants!
If you can’t see em to read em, red tag is straw ban and white tag is mim cake

Week 3 and a “cat-astrophy” with the babbers

Well we’ve hit week 3 but as the title to this page suggests, we’ve had a near disaster.
we are in the process of recovering but things could still just suck it up from the damage.
Both mimosa cake and strawberry banana both have just started spitting pistils here at day 21 and were on their way to some training and a transplant when my bobtail cat got into them and started nibbling on branches.
it’s totes my fault for leaving the plants alone for a couple minutes but that doesn’t make me feel any better lol.
Anywho, I’ve bent both and trimmed off the worst of the damaged fans.
Thank goodness none of the budsite/nodes were munched on but the plants are still hurting.
mimosa cake received the worst of the damage but poor strawberry banana was already in a weird way from her super stretchiness.
we shall see how they respond, both are looking better today than yesterday, the day of the attack.
mom getting close to my next drop so I may just let these mangoes gals ride it out.
Let’s get to some shots.
in no particular order we have damaged leaves, bent plants.....

Week 4 end-part veg

The gals have hit week 4 and are just cruising along.
Their color is good and for the most part I’m pleased with things tho Strawberry Banana is so lanky.
I will be getting weird with straw ban I think.
both plants are still in the early stages of spitting pistils so hopefully there’s enough time for her to recover.
Ive upped their feed to right under 1tsp/gal megacrop with a dash of Epsom. Here soon I’ll start adding in some flower fuel to get thru bloom.
check back next week and hopefully we’ve got a recovered freaky deaky straw ban to go with our consistently sexy mimosa cake!

Week 5 recovery still end of veg

we’ve hit week 5 and both plants are just doing the thing.
the shape/structure is radically different between straw ban and mim cake but as far as development they are basically in the exact same spot.
spitting pistils and starting to stretch, both are taking their sweet time thru veg and I’m okay with that.
Anywho, the reason for an official update today....I supercropped the funk out of strawberry banana yesterday. Basically built a flat canopy from scratch.
If you’ve been following along she’s the tall gangly one. Well, not quite as tall today lol.
may not look like it but there is a loose plan of attack and so far it’s on track as well as can be I’m supposing.
mim cake is beautiful and my bae, and I would have dropped another 1-2 seeds of it if I had any left lol.
Daily Feed has been upped to 1tsp/gal megacrop and epsom and both gals did get a good soaking with recharge before the training sesh yesterday.
next step is to move them into the big tent with some lights that freaking work lol.

Week 6 Straw Ban takes another beating

We’ve hit week 6 and while both plants are still alive, straw ban1 has had an accident is in terrible shape.
The accident involved a 2 foot tall Darth Vader doll. I was trying to be cutesy and had Darth propped up for a pic session and he tumbled forward and smashed poor straw ban1.
There won’t be many more pics of straw ban1 until she’s ready for the chop cause I’m embarrassed lol. At that point, I hope there will be at least a few sexy pieces of flower to distract anyone looking from the near catastrophic damage straw ban has endured

Mimosa cake on the other hand, she has endured cat attacks and a near severed branch and Is just trucking along.
ive caged her in a tomato cage and she’s taken to it like a pro and by the time she is finished I will have a beautiful ring of buds/mini colas.
feed for both gals is mostly the same tho I have added 1 scoop of flower fuel to the feed as a bloom booster.
Im hoping I didn’t hit them too early with the booster but if I did, I learn and move on!
Mimosa Cake Week 6

Week 8 mid bloom

We’ve skipped a week as there was little to report.
both plants are flowering nicely and I think we are down to the last 3-4 weeks.
I actually cleaned up straw ban for a couple shots and she’s not looking like the worst plant ever but the many signs of stresses are there lol.
mim cake is still beautiful and her shape is coming along nicely.
Both are starting to kick off smells now, and it’s just a whirl of fruity, earthy sweetness.
I don’t know what it is but this mim cake moves me lol.
I will be running it again here in the next month or so.
I want to toast in the new year with some sweet sweet mim cake and I know what I get off this one in here now won’t last that long lol.
picture show-
Straw ban looking halfway decent, but this is all angles and editing lol.

Mim cake, mmmmmmmmmm.

Straw ban and mim cake side by side, straw ban towering over mim

Skipping ahead to the chop

Both plants have been chopped, straw ban week 10 and mimosa cake week 11.
they are currently finishing the dry, straw ban is on day 10 and mim cake day 7.

The end of the road - day 91

Strawberry banana and mimosa cake from @Fast Buds Heather and the rest of the fb team are in the jars curing and they’ve had about 2 weeks cure time.
final tally for those who count….
Mimosa cake 59 grams
Strawberry banana 64 grams

strawberry banana has an excellent smell setting in, very fruit smoothie/dank weed smell.
mimosa cake tho, this plant just blows my mind.
so there’s no sweetness to the smell or smoke, it is straight up citrus champagne.
After the chop and dry it still had a very sweet smell to it but now it’s like smelling a weed orange mimosa lol.
the wifey remarked that it smells “fizzy” and I don’t disagree.

I already have another mimosa cake dropped and popped lol, don’t know what it is exactly that’s tickling my lizard brain but I want more of that inside my tent and cupboards!!!
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If your plants are even have as beautiful as Purple Lemonade, also from Fastbuds, I'm going to say you are going to be on cloud 9 by the end of your grow. Much love to your grow!
If your plants are even have as beautiful as Purple Lemonade, also from Fastbuds, I'm going to say you are going to be on cloud 9 by the end of your grow. Much love to your grow!
I did a purple lemonade a while back and luved it!
Im a fanboi of fast Buds and have had several grown out.
really excited for the mimosa cake and straw ban!

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baked in the bluegrass
Read time
6 min read
Last update

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