Completed March drop Fast Buds auto gelato


Week 12 The Chop

We have reached the end of the grow portion of the grow!
Auto Gelato has been chopped and at the time of this writing has just gone into the jar.
she hung in the closet for 10 days, chilled in the brown bag for 2 days and is in jars.
im impressed that she even made it this far truth be told. 2 year old seed, a couple issues with nutes, and almost half my lights crapping out on me during the grow and she managed to put out.
ive got 50g of nice nugs and another 40ish of scruff/larf.
all told I’m super pleased, learned a bit and got some smokeable flower outta the deal!
A win win in my books!
There aren’t any glamour shots unfortunately, but here she is the star of the show, Fast Buds Auto Gelato.
I let her go long, she went 12 weeks to amber, but I could have chopped her at week 10 and the trichs were all cloudy.
Hardy, resilient, a great candidate for training.
She has a very creamy weedy smell and taste, it’s almost odd.
Not overly sweet but a discernible “treat” type of taste. Cant wait for her to get a little cure time!
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