Completed March drop Fast Buds auto gelato

This lil babber broke soil on March 15, auto gelato from Fast Buds.
setup is 2gal rootmaker with coco loco.
megacrop for base nutes, Epsom and recharge as add ons.
lights will be a combo of cobs and qbs.
I’m pleasantly surprised, this seed is about a year and a half old, so I’m happy to see action from it. Wasn’t sure if it would even pop.


Strain- Fast Buds Auto Gelato
Medium/container- 2gal rootmaker pot w/ coco loco
Feed routine- megacrop for base nutes, Epsom and recharge as add ons
Grow space- 4x4x6
Lights- starting under 65w cob
Day 1- March 15, 2021

Week 1

The little sprouty has survived the first week.
mom not sold that it’s gonna make it.
it’s looking a lil pale and weakly for my tastes tho again, the seed is over a year, year and a half old.
it has received its first shot of recharge, and next week I’ll introduce the megacrop into the feed.
thoughts and prayers lil sprouty, thoughts and prayers.

Week 2 - Day 14

Auto Gelato has finally started showing visible growth again so I’m gonna let her go.
atill surprised a seed this old popped.
hopefully she decides to turn out for us!
this week she got her first shot of megacrop at 1/4tsp per gallon.
next feed will be her first bottom feed as well and I’ll rotate top and bottom until it’s being bottomfed exclusively.

Week 3 - Day 21

Gelato is still kicking.
she’s growing a bit slow but I’m gonna let her ride and see how she does.
she’s getting bottomfeeds this week and we have started upping the megacrop in her feed.
still undecided about training as she’s a slow mover.
coupd be a good one to train but could also slip into preflower at anytime.

Week 5 - Day 35

I missed a week but we are back on track.
Auto gelato is doing well.
she has started spitting pistils and I’m hoping to get a good stretch out of her before flower begins in ernest.
I have her trained into the shape/structure I want and things are going swimmingly.
feed is currently 1/2tsp of megacrop and 1/2tsp of Epsom and now that she is spitting the pistils I’ll up that to 3/4tsp mc and Epsom.

Week 6 - Day 42

We’ve hit week 6 with a auto gelato and she’s just now really started spitting pistils.
she’s gonna be a long grower, which pribs comes as a result of the age of seed and the hard abuse she has suffered at my hands lol.
so we have spread her out real wide and flat, in the hopes that some of the inner, middle bud sites will develop a little better.
don’t know if it’ll work but I’m ready to rock with it lol.
I enjoy bending and twisting the plants, it sort of satisfies the urge to “tinker” and sometimes it all pays off with a neat plant.
anywho, keep on keepin on auto gelato!

Week 7 - Day 49

We’ve hit week 7 and auto gelato is mostly done stretching and has moved into bloom.
no more training for the poor gal lol.
may this point we will just feed and occasionally snip a fan but the hard training is done.
she’s trying her hardest to it out,you can do eeeet auto gelato!

Week 9 Day 63

I’ve apparently missed a week here in the blog. ooops lol
Auto Gelato is actually 63 days old today, week 9.
I think she’s gotten a bit light bleached and/or dried out and she’s starting show some issues here at the end.
the buds are still super dense and it’s kicking off a stinky smooth gassy smell which I’m digging.
I think she finishes up here in 2-3 weeks.
you can do eeeet auto gelato!

Week 10 Countdown to the chop

Here we are at week 10, day 70, and auto gelato is within sight of the finish line.
There are about 10 cloudy trichs and I’ll chop her at solid cloudy with a few ambers.
I’m thinking 10 days or so.
Im not a flusher so I’ll keep feeding her until the chop but I will stop using the flower fuel/bloom booster, so feeds from now until then end are approx .75tsp mc and .75tsp Epsom.
only 1 pic today because she’s at that fugly weird end look.
not a pretty fade, more of a meth head look lol.

Week 11 Chop in T-Minus 5 Days

Well we’ve hit week 11 today and the road has almost reached its end for auto gelato.
the plant is ready to come down but we are in no hurry so we are gonna let her just finish off these last few days, tho she is going to go down into the basement for a couple of “dark” days.
then she gets the wack!
she’s stanky and sticky and heavy.
Im cool with all that!

Week 12 The Chop

We have reached the end of the grow portion of the grow!
Auto Gelato has been chopped and at the time of this writing has just gone into the jar.
she hung in the closet for 10 days, chilled in the brown bag for 2 days and is in jars.
im impressed that she even made it this far truth be told. 2 year old seed, a couple issues with nutes, and almost half my lights crapping out on me during the grow and she managed to put out.
ive got 50g of nice nugs and another 40ish of scruff/larf.
all told I’m super pleased, learned a bit and got some smokeable flower outta the deal!
A win win in my books!
There aren’t any glamour shots unfortunately, but here she is the star of the show, Fast Buds Auto Gelato.
I let her go long, she went 12 weeks to amber, but I could have chopped her at week 10 and the trichs were all cloudy.
Hardy, resilient, a great candidate for training.
She has a very creamy weedy smell and taste, it’s almost odd.
Not overly sweet but a discernible “treat” type of taste. Cant wait for her to get a little cure time!
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