Completed March drop Fast Buds auto gelato


Week 10 Countdown to the chop

Here we are at week 10, day 70, and auto gelato is within sight of the finish line.
There are about 10 cloudy trichs and I’ll chop her at solid cloudy with a few ambers.
I’m thinking 10 days or so.
Im not a flusher so I’ll keep feeding her until the chop but I will stop using the flower fuel/bloom booster, so feeds from now until then end are approx .75tsp mc and .75tsp Epsom.
only 1 pic today because she’s at that fugly weird end look.
not a pretty fade, more of a meth head look lol.
Next page: Week 11 Chop in T-Minus 5 Days
Previous page: Week 9 Day 63


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