If there's seeds in the house y'all, pop 'em like they hot!

Day 0 - Germination

First entry for this grow! I've got my four seeds popped into red cups, each buried to the same depth. Soil was well watered before, a few drops on top of the seed and now sitting in a nice light (but not direct), warm place. Let's see if these girls make a showing soon!


Day 3 - We have seedlings!

All four seeds popped last night, and so we now have 4 little seedlings making their way in this world. This is the first time I've had such an even height of seedlings. For those interested, I kept them on the worktop above my boiler. The worktop gets quite warm, and with the tray to protect the red cups, it provides a really good soil temperature.

The processo looks a bit mangled (bottom right) but now that it's up and under the lights I'm hoping it'll straighten up.
They currently under my 120W MigroLED. It's set to about 120PPFD and I'll remove the bags on them in a day or so, once they're up and straight. Any signs of stretching I'll up the lights intensity.

Day 6 - Progress!

Things are going well - this is the first time I’ve had seedlings under my LEDs (used my kitchen under lights for others) and they’re faring well! The exception is the Prosecco which is smaller than the rest, but still seems healthy if not maybe a little mutated:
Like a Cotyledon and a leaf have tried to merge..
Green Gelato is rocketing along:
Then the Cinderella jack:
And finally the watermelon which is also going well! These are my first seeds from Royal Queen and really pleased with them so far!

Day 11 - Leaves, Glorious Leaves

Good progress over the last week with the Green Gelato and Watermelon rocketing on up. I realised I forgot to have a fan on while they were in the small tent under the small light. That has now been rectified and hopefully we’ll see some nice steong stems!


Lights are being maintained at 15cm from the tops (manufacturers guideline) and PAR is now around 350PPFD. They got their first water today and when they dry again I’ll be putting them up into 3gal square fabric pots. First time I’ve gone square and I’m quite excited for it.

Green Gelato:
The Prosecco is definitely looking a little weak, it’s leaves are coming in very strangely. I’ve 4 more seeds of this one so I’m going to grow it out and see what happens.

And finally we have the Cinderella Jack! Glad this is looking good, meant to have a 26% THC content so really wanted it to be a strong pheno.


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