Growing in custom build box - Sherbet Queen Auto

I'm growing in a custom build stealth grow box. It's power efficient and silent compared to regular tent equipment. I'm using a Ikea Kallax as a base. You can read more about the box in the "Blogs description". Direct link to Box Specs
Plant is growing like crazy.

So here we go!
  • Seed: RQS Sherbet Queen Auto
  • Soil: Biobizz Light mix, I added Mycco and Perlite
  • Nutrients: Biobizz line
  • Pots: fabric, 11 litre
  • Grow box specs: see blog description
  • Light cycle: 19.30h on / 3.30h off

Let's get started

Pretty much self explanatory: this is the seedling.

  1. Germinated in a grow plug that I stabbed with a fork and sprinkled with Mycco
  2. Planted the grow plug into a fabric pot, filled with Biobizz Light Mix soil
  3. Watered with filtered tap water
  4. Temperature 82,4 Fahrenheit, 28 degrees Celsius
  5. Humidity 60-70%
  6. Fans run at: 30-40%
Soil: Biobizz Light Mix + I added Mycco + Perlite

Day 11 - looking good

Day 11 - looking good. But wait till you see the next entry 6 days later! Crazy!

Watered with nutes for the first time.
1ml Biobizz Root Juice per 1 litre. Watered 2 litre.


Day 17 - crazy growth! I think my box is going to burst

6 days later... You can sit down in front of the plant and watch it growing.

Watered today with 2 litre plus:
  • Biobizz Root Juice 2ml
  • Biobizz Fish Mix 2ml
  • Biobizz Alg-a-Mic 1ml

Humidity 55-60%
Temperature: ~28 Celsius (26 sleeping), ~84,4 Fahrenheit
Fans run at 60%
DLI 21



Day 20 - more bushy but growing taller too

Let's continue with this great growth.

It's day 20 after the seed embraced the soil. They seem to love each other very much. ;)

28 Celsius / 82,4 Fahrenheit on average
55% humidity
Light cycle still 20,5 on, 3,5 off
DLI 21
Stable environment so far, according to measurement data.

Screenshot_20220525-100604~2.png blue humidity, olive green temperature. Drops/increases when in sleep phase ofc
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