Grape Brain by CannabisBreedersClub

Week 2

So far so good plants have received their second watering on day 8, seem to be coming along just fine.

I never mentioned before but I use Strive nutrients which is a two part that is used exclusively throughout the grow, Part A has the bulk of the micro , P and K while Part B is nitrogen and calcium .

I use it at about half of the recommended strength for most of the grow but in this early stage I use it in the range of .5 ec and at about a 60/40 ratio of A to B . As the plant grows a little larger I tend to mix it more as per the recommendation which is 2/1 A to B but I still only use it at 1/2 strength and in late flower I drop the Part B down further to about 1/3 the mix.

Here we are on Day 9
Next page: Week 3
Previous page: Week 1
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Thanks for putting the pictures up they really demonstrate how effective topping plants is, I look forward to seeing how these puppies come along they are looking nice.
Thanks for putting the pictures up they really demonstrate how effective topping plants is, I look forward to seeing how these puppies come along they are looking nice.
Yeah, sometimes I do sometimes I don’t, usually with the smaller pots I let them go and just clip the leading fans from nodes 3-6 as they grow out, this usually slows the top down enough to have an even canopy for me with some LST but I wanted to see how the Topping would effect the small pot grow as I have always wondered.

Thanks for stopping in!

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Trichome Jim
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