Grape Brain by CannabisBreedersClub

This time around I will be showcasing some genetics from CannabisBreedersClub . I will be growing in 6” pots and probably topping .

Thanks again for this opportunity to showcase your genetics @CannabisBreedersClub


Alright, so I have started 3 seeds in my preferred method which consists of an 8 hour soak followed by 48 hours in moistened paper towel placed inside a DVD case and left in a warm place(ie. beside my router)

Sorry no pics I’m sure we all know what seeds in paper towels look like

Week 1

Alright so after 48 hours all 3 seeds have tails approximately 1” long and we’re thus transferred into their homes in 6” pots containing a 60/40 coco perlite mix that was freshly rehydrated and rinsed to .4 ec and placed under 250 PPFD of light roughly 2 feet above the canopy.

Here we are Day 1

Week 2

So far so good plants have received their second watering on day 8, seem to be coming along just fine.

I never mentioned before but I use Strive nutrients which is a two part that is used exclusively throughout the grow, Part A has the bulk of the micro , P and K while Part B is nitrogen and calcium .

I use it at about half of the recommended strength for most of the grow but in this early stage I use it in the range of .5 ec and at about a 60/40 ratio of A to B . As the plant grows a little larger I tend to mix it more as per the recommendation which is 2/1 A to B but I still only use it at 1/2 strength and in late flower I drop the Part B down further to about 1/3 the mix.

Here we are on Day 9

Week 3

Plants are starting to pick up the pace, they have begun to be fertigated every 3rd day and the mix has been bumped to .8ec @ 6.0ph of course to runoff.

2/3 plants have been topped, the third will be allowed to grow a little bit more to expose the top I will be removing a little more, I like to see the new nodes at least established before I remove the top .

Here they are Day 15

Day 19
Topped 3rd plant above 4th node .

Removed 1st node from all 3 , branches on plants 1 and 2 have started reaching up to the canopy.

Here are some pics


Week 4

Start of week 4, all plants have been topped and feed has been increased to 1.0ec @6.1 ph

Plants 1 and 2 have started to develop the branches after the top and have recovered from the stress. Plant 3 is still a little sluggish after the top but you can see the starting of the branching.

I have raised the light a touch to get the branching to hopefully stretch a little to allow more light through as they have stayed quite stout.

Here are some pics on day 21

Day 23
Alright, so #2 looks to not have liked the topping and has started to show pistils, she may not get too big, plays 1 and 3 have also shown sexy but are not like the other one is, I have trimmed a few of the lower nodes to get them to focus a bit more on the tops.


Day 28
End of week 4 and plants are looking alright, plant 2 is much further into flower than the other two appear to be, they have all grown some though and lateral branching has begun to reach up, definitely like the frame of the third node top over the 4th node topping but time will tell if it stays that way.

Here are some pics 8 hours apart

Week 5

Day 31
Plants are just cruising along, still stretching a bit although plant 2 since triggering almost a week before the others is looking like it’s in pre/early flower. This one did not like the topping at all, the other two seemed to have tolerated it much better.

I have also decided to pop the other two seeds , these will also stay in the small pots however neither one will be topped , I will only be clipping the leading fans as they start to develop , I have found this to do a decent job of slowing the development of the corresponding node enough to even the canopy.

Here are a few pics



Thanks for putting the pictures up they really demonstrate how effective topping plants is, I look forward to seeing how these puppies come along they are looking nice.
Thanks for putting the pictures up they really demonstrate how effective topping plants is, I look forward to seeing how these puppies come along they are looking nice.
Yeah, sometimes I do sometimes I don’t, usually with the smaller pots I let them go and just clip the leading fans from nodes 3-6 as they grow out, this usually slows the top down enough to have an even canopy for me with some LST but I wanted to see how the Topping would effect the small pot grow as I have always wondered.

Thanks for stopping in!

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Trichome Jim
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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