Gorilla Glue

DateJournal EntryWaterNutrientLightPHECPPMTroubleshooting
Week 1
1st day after planting
2nd day after planting
Seed sprouted - Very light leaves. Like almost white.
light Rapid Start
Leaves very light in color
Looks good
Reaching for lights too much. Added water to surround the rockwool. I add to moisten rw as well. Too Much?
light Rapid Start
Leggy, Greening
Leggy. Lowered Lights -Green over two days under light.
Leggy so lowered lights
Plant had fallen over. Propped it up with soil and pipe cleaner. A little water. Intensified lights. Lowered Lights. Not watering
Light Rapid Start24" X 65% X 1000
Not enough light, too much water. Lights adding heat.
Week 2
Plant can support itself now. Using a moisture meter to water by.
light Rapid Start24" X 65% X 1000
Ordered air contitioner for Grow area.
Added water. Light Rapid Start. Added about 1" Diatomacious earth to top 2" of soil (prevent some bugs)
light Rapid Start16" X 75% X 1000
I lowered the stem support level to enable more movement of the stem by the fan. To strengthen the stem and new growth.
Mixed up new nutes. Floralicious and Rapid Start. Watering plain water for next couple rounds.
16" X 75% X 1000
16" X 75% X 1000
Slight Leaf curl. PH OK Slightly too much water in the center of the pot.6, 718" X 75% X 900
Raised LEDs to 18" and dimmed back down to 75% of TS1000. Lowered fan speeds to avoid wind burn. Changing light timer cycle to off in after noons. 18/6
Pretty dry on surface. Meter readings 4-5-6 in various locations.One side is always drier than the other. Why?4,5,618" X 75% X 900
Week 3
New Nutes Rapid start 2ml and Floralicious 1 ml. ?Light Distance? PicturesFloraLicious 1 ML Rapid Start 2 ml18" X 76% X 9006.3738218 ml/L
Looking Good today. Let her dry down a bit then watered with Rapid Start and Floralicious. 750 ml water
FloraLicious 1 ML Rapid Start 2 ml16" X 74% X 900LST? When to start. 19 days and 5" tall.
Need to mix Armor SI 1.5, Cal Mag 1, Rapid Start 1, Floralicious 1, Liquid Seaweed6
Lifted light to encourage stretch. Pot is drying pretty quick.
I am nervous about adding the GH products with organic products. I am on the light side of recommendations. Waiting for moisture to fall into red zone.524"X75%X1000Expecting to see growth increase from here and after applying nutrients.
Spread 1 tsp ROG and worked into top layers of soil. Will water in the morning.4See 6/1124"X75%X1000Start minor LST on main. Almost forgot to PH tomorrow's brew.
Week 4
Added nutrtition. forgot to ph first 250ml. Down PH'd to 6.2 then added nutritition and boosts. from 6/11 Feeding with 1 tsp ROG8See 6/1124"X75%X1000Soil PH 8 at surface 7 deeper down and 5.5 runnoff. I did an actual soil test and the PH reading was 6.
Started LST. Looking for a Blue Labs Soil PH meter. :)624"X75%X1200Looking closer at light meter. Going to get a better one soon.
Tried a LST clip.6
Adding more clips this weekend to position leaf sets.
Turn lights up a notch. Moisture from last feed still plenty but dry on top. I added 750ml6RS + Flora Nectar
Fed with boost solution from 6/11
Week 5
2ML Liquid Seaweed, 1ml Floralicious, 1.5 ml Flora Nectar, 1ml rapid start. 2ML Grow, follow with water to runoff. 1.5 ml liquid Kool Bloom.
Crushed a gnat. More LST. Added a vertical rotating fan. 2 fans now. Hoping it dries things up a bit. Turned off the humidifier. The house is at 55% RH The tent is close to the same without the humidifier.Treated by spraying the top layer of soil with 4:1 Hydro Peroxide. Sprayed top of soil of 2 pots and will allow to dry and require watering again before watering with HP solution. Added a fan.
Flowering?Calling this Flower day. I think so. I think I see pistils.
The sticky tape caught several gnats. But I don't see any now.24" X 75% X 900
I checked the weight of the pot today and it was noticeably lighter. I watered with the 6-11 boost solution after mixing 2 teaspoons ROGrow and 3 teaspoons ROBloom into topsoil. After soaking in I sprayed the topsoil again with hydrogen peroxide and water. Just a little pipe screen LST today.24" X 75% X 900Note: I have some runoff from the bag so I sprayed the drip tray with HP solution, laid a towel down and sprayed that as well. Hoping the towel wicks away moisture from the bottom of the pot.
Week 6
Decided to lay off of LST for a few days. I am hand separating leaves to allow light into the plant where some buds are seeking the light. LOL. I turned off the vertical fan and one of the 6-inch fans. I will turn it on again, just didn't want too much wind all day. I was not maintaining light distance. Plan to increase the wattage to full in 2 weeks, I think.24" X 75% X 900.Watching for gnats after feeding and providing a boost solution and HP spray on the soil.
Backed off a little on lights raising to 24". 6 weeks and canopy had grown to 17" from lights.
I am surprised the moisture meter is showing low water already. I am planning to water with a solution of 4 tbsp Mosquito Bits to 1 gal of water today after I recheck moisture. This is my plain water turn. The bits need to soak for 30 minutes, then remove. I am hoping this late in will be the only treatment I need although another is recommended in 3 weeks. I am seeing gnats rarely and one at a time.Mosquito Bits plain water.24" X 75% X 900Ordering some pot trivets to elevate pots to get air underneath them. I did see one gnat on the bottom, in the towel, I sprayed with HP. It was frolicking along until I smashed it.
4Gnats seem to be gone. Will re-apply Mosquito Bits week 8 if not wanting to risk a return.
Week 75
7Yellowing leaves. She got pretty fry but no wilt. I watered thoroughly with the most recent boost solution. I made it stronger than usual for the last weeks. I asked, and thanks all for the help, but was told the plant actually looks very good with only a slight deficiency. I have been mixing an organic product with the GH advanced products to serve as a boost. I need to do better documenting of ingredients and stage them. I know they can vary by strain requirements but I want to dial in a nute schedule that generally works throughout each week's needs. Also, I apologize for having missed some entries by not saving them correctly..5 g19" X 85% X ?Waiting overnight to look at leaves that have yellowed. Will snip them if continuing to yellow.
Week 812
13Oh My! Week 8! I watered 2 times plain water after a mild feed solution with Liquid Seaweed and GH Advanced Products in week 7. I am feeding with RO Bloom Terp Tea tomorrow. The Terp Tea runs 2-3 weeks. This with plain water twice. During Bloom, I will apply GH base and advanced products targeting bloom and ripening. I don't want to overdo it but thinking a heavier load is needed now. I need to remember we are coming up on 70 days, week 10. I am really curious to see the GH Advanced Products that benefit the organic properties of RO Bloom work together. A new spreadsheet will capture weekly feed recipes going forward.... Critical Purple next. Someone mentioned 'dialing in' to get feeding and environment working in sync. That is what I am getting more interested in.
15Added and watered with plain water RO Bloom. I felt like I can see the buds fattening or bulking up a little. This is the focus of feeding for now. Lots of bud sites that need to get fat. I removed all of the LST clips and wires. The plant has mostly taken the shape it will keep more or less. I still have lots of leaves on the plant. The yellowing I mentioned continues but not in an alarming way. I took 3-5 sets of leaves I found dried out or yellowing under the canopy. I don't take more than that and never have trimmed green leaves. My phone died, pictures after charging.
17Plain water today @ PH 6.3 I did not measure run-off. I should. Especially during / after bloom transition.5
Week 919Watered Am I losing count on water?.5
Day 5820That water from yesterday is mostly gone. I am not running much through on nutrition. Just the RO feed and watering with light GH micro, bloom, koolbloom and ripen. The RO Bloom should feed for 2 weeks at 3 teaspoons. The solution I am adding holds like 2 ml Bloom and the Ripen I am hoping for bulk. I think it is also a pre-flush. I am not concerned with flushing short of timing using the nutrients up. I have the Kleen product more for soil reuse so can do it anytime.. This feels close 11 weeks. 11 should be dark time.
21I think I figured something out. I am watching the pistils turn inward and amber. Then looking at Trichomes for cloudy then 20-30% amber. (THC degrades further during cure so maybe include this in calculations.) I have two deficiencies. One, I think is light bleaching. The other I am not sure. Something bothering me has been yellowing leaves. I am realizing the plant is nearing the end of bloom so I started thinking this is where she steals nutrients from fan leaves to throw to the buds. I am getting a microscope for the phone to monitor trichome maturity. I believe I am flushing from here. I repeat, not to influence the weed, but to clean up the soil for reuse..5
23I watered to 35% runoff 3 ML Liquid Seaweed and 5 ML GH Kleen. To 1 gallon water. I ran the whole gallon through the pot and test run-off PH @5.72. The solution measured 6.3 going in. I tied down a few colas to expose light to the entire stem. I removed damaged leaves and some yellowing. LOL > I saved the stems for the new infuzer on the way to mix with the trim when we get there.
Week 1026Running a gallon of water with 4ml Kelp and PH 6.3, PPM 200. Then measuring runoff to see if pot ppm gets lower from feeding and washing away. ph6.5, ppm 1100. No change. Nothing to do but watching bud size and trichomes.
28Found some ambers but overall they are not consistent across the plant. She's ready to water again. LOL She was ready last night. I am going to give her .5 g with kelp and HP and maybe some aroma / taste adds.
30I'm letting her go into week 11. I am partly cloudy. I started peeling the buds open a little to snap pics of the calyxes. They are close to cloudy mostly. I see some nodules that remind me of what I thought would be hermi pods. It is pretty late into the grow so I am hoping it is something normal. Each has 2 pistils coming out. I think I have pics. The pics are blurry. Antway I also tied all the tall colas down to open the canopy. The longest I hope to leave the plant is Wednesday or Thursday. I will get another pic with the microscope of the questionable.
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Seeing what appears to be new pistils or translucent ones. Most of the big fan leaves were clipped and a lot of the next size. Some of these looks like orange pistils are taking over.

I'm pretty obsessed.
Is the arrow pointing to new pistils? I see these throughout the branches.

Closest bud to lights is 21" and they are 90% intensity.
This will take me some practice. The focus dial on the microscope binds up. I am hoping it smooths out:

Very little amber.
So few I could not focus on one or two.




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This will sound weird. I decided to really flush my plant here at 10 weeks. I've been unsure of what to expect and nervous about leaves looking bad. I have been ignoring ppm measures and understanding EC readings in relation to feeding. I ran a gallon of ph 6.3 through and measured the ppm from the run-off in the drip tray. I was shocked. I was knocking on the 2000 door. I ran 2.5 gallons through the pot to get the ppm down to 1100. 197 is my water. Still high but close to top of range. Now, with all the watering I am trying setting the pot down on dry towels to help leach some moisture. I let one get soaked, replace it, dry the first. The coco croutons at the bottom hold water as well so sucking out what I can sounds OK.

I used 2 ml/g hydro peroxide with the flush to provide oxygen to the roots I was reading.
I've heard about people flushing, but haven't had to do it yet. I noticed that some of my soil mixes that have more compost get too dense and hang onto too much water. I guess that's an advantage of coco coir, water runs right through it? I haven't tried checking runoff ppm yet, but I suppose I might get too salty after a while with weekly feeding and little or no runoff. Maybe a ppm meter will be my next investment. I'm also looking to get a light sensor to use with my phone app for PPFD.
I've heard about people flushing, but haven't had to do it yet. I noticed that some of my soil mixes that have more compost get too dense and hang onto too much water. I guess that's an advantage of coco coir, water runs right through it? I haven't tried checking runoff ppm yet, but I suppose I might get too salty after a while with weekly feeding and little or no runoff. Maybe a ppm meter will be my next investment. I'm also looking to get a light sensor to use with my phone app for PPFD.
I thinking in terms of accumulation. I underfed all through until week 9. I started overcompensating or thinking I needed to. I may have had some accumulation considering autos need less. I'm guessing. Next week some kelp and harvest has to be close. I am going to take some bad leaves to look at with the microscope tonight. Also, look harder for amber. Maybe a glass of wine and slow down on this, let her work.
I'm new to using nutes. There's a lot to learn. I didn't start feeding them until some were well into flower. The later grows will get fed earlier.
Today I got my mic stand from eBay, and found more mites. I sprayed all the girls with 3 t. citric acid crystals, 1/2 t. Castille soap, in 1 L water. That seems to work very well, but last time i only sprayed one plant. I should have sprayed them all, maybe every week.
I'm new to using nutes. There's a lot to learn. I didn't start feeding them until some were well into flower. The later grows will get fed earlier.
Today I got my mic stand from eBay, and found more mites. I sprayed all the girls with 3 t. citric acid crystals, 1/2 t. Castille soap, in 1 L water. That seems to work very well, but last time i only sprayed one plant. I should have sprayed them all, maybe every week.
It didn't dawn on me until today. The microscope I bought came with a stand with basic height and angle adjustments. My GG looks stable today. Letting her go tonight again then inspecting tomorrow. I did see one branch with amber. A small bud. The rest were 'see pic above.)
I've been told that to ignore the trichomes on the sugar leaves, which mature quicker, and just go by trichomes on the calyxes (calices?). I'm still trying to figure out how to tell which is which under the scope.
She is looking better today after the flush.
I will remember the towel trick for setting the pots on after watering to runoff. It brings moisture down to where you can keep the same watering schedule. For me, every 2-3 days now, .5 gal. waters, full gallon for runoff.

Also marking periods for plain water feeds as a 'measure runoff opportunity.' I am creating a new spreadsheet to include 'event' markers like feed and watering.

The pistils are largely brown on this cola. This is the main one. Trichs a still clear to cloudy with a few ambers. The Grower's Choice expectations for this to mature is 70-75 days. I think it is on time. I think Friday is day 70.

Pistils are still emerging, or am I misinterpreting? Are pistils being produced as long as there is bud growth? It looks that way. I have straight pistils, fresh-looking, on all of the smaller buds.

I was tempted to cut one as I am out of stash after today. Discipline held. Looks like I can play with sampling next week while determining if I have enough to consider curing a small jar.

I am also wrestling with buying a bigger tent soon. I'd like to do both MJ and some veggies indoors over the winter.

Learning a lot and really fast all of a sudden as the GGl gets closer to maturity.

Just a note: Foliar sprayed with Kelp the Tangerine dream. It was stalling on flowering. Flowering started after 2 days. 2 sprays.

I am thinking, it probably does not matter as much what feed products I use. What matters is mating them in quantities that benefit the various strains I will grow. I think I have at least a starter plan for the 2nd Gorilla Glue. I have both auto and photoperiod seeds. The harder part is managing re-used soil I imagine and setting the initial feed charge.

I've been told that to ignore the trichomes on the sugar leaves, which mature quicker, and just go by trichomes on the calyxes (calices?). I'm still trying to figure out how to tell which is which under the scope.
Didn't know that, but was asking myself the same yesterday. I could be a week behind, considering this is a first grow. I've probably slower her down here and there. The only place I see any ambers are on the leaves. I will take another look. I got more comfortable with the microscope dialing a view then turning the plant to find focused views. The focusing is difficult but will probably loosen up over time.
I'm using a google sheets spreadsheet to track my grows. I start a separate page for each grow. Also have a page to schedule all the grows, a page to compare the vendors I've used, and a page for expenses. I guess someday I could add a summary page to compare results of all the grows.

I need to make a better mount for the mic stand, still figuring it out. My grow room is big enough for a separate work table for training, spraying, photography, mixing nutes, etc. If the plants get too big for the 2'x4' grow shelf I could grow on the 4' work table too.
I'm using a google sheets spreadsheet to track my grows. I start a separate page for each grow. Also have a page to schedule all the grows, a page to compare the vendors I've used, and a page for expenses. I guess someday I could add a summary page to compare results of all the grows.

I need to make a better mount for the mic stand, still figuring it out. My grow room is big enough for a separate work table for training, spraying, photography, mixing nutes, etc. If the plants get too big for the 2'x4' grow shelf I could grow on the 4' work table too.
I like your setup. What I have seen. I have not been too concerned about expenses starting out, but it is smart. I got my seeds today Blue Dream Freebies, LSD, and Super Lemon Haze. I have enough to last for this year. LOL and still curious about other strains. I have my little house. Sad to say it will soon be empty, but I will make one room a grow room then. Add another much bigger tent and work area. Interesting hobby and it is not cost prohibitive. LOL

Oh, the mic stand is a real mic stand. The one you showed me or linked to. Too big for my little tent. I am dragging to the kitchen table, stacking books beside her and shooting from there.
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Ditto on the seeds. I bought seeds from 4 vendors, got 24 including the freebies. I have 14 left, so if i plant one every 3 weeks, that could last another 42 months. I spend too much time browsing the seed porn online. So many strains I'd like to try. So far just midget strains, but would like to try something medium size once I work out a few kinks. I don't know when I'll finish my grow room if it's always full of plants LOL.
Ditto on the seeds. I bought seeds from 4 vendors, got 24 including the freebies. I have 14 left, so if i plant one every 3 weeks, that could last another 42 months. I spend too much time browsing the seed porn online. So many strains I'd like to try. So far just midget strains, but would like to try something medium size once I work out a few kinks. I don't know when I'll finish my grow room if it's always full of plants LOL.
Seed Porn! ROFL. Same here. Once a day I go shopping. You would think I have enough. I have 51 as of today. I buy the 2 for one sale on ILGM. Oh, I have the misordered seeds, they are photoperiod. I have 30 of those from a High Yield Pack from them. They offered to take them back, but I am going to try to grow them and play with limiting their height.
All in all... Impatience is my current curse. I keep wanting to take a quality test on the Gorilla Glue but successfully turn away for another day. > I ran out of stash last night. I don't want to drive 70 miles to DC to buy something. LOL
I live in the ghetto, so only have to walk a couple blocks to get the best mersh weed, 1/8 for $25. Quality has definitely gone up since legalization. On the downside, 10 people got shot on my block in the 29 years I've lived here (6 survived). Only 1 victim was collateral damage, usually it's crack dealers settling a beef among themselves. Statistically, driving a car is still more dangerous than walking the 'hood.

I'm counting the days to start my next seed. I don't think I'll wait the whole three weeks, which would be this coming Monday. I do have room for another GG4 once I give up on these 2 clones (probably dead already). I've got 2 harvests coming up very soon, then I'll be sharing some Northern Lights and Purple Kush.
I keep trying to get what is going on. I found a lot of amber Trichomes today. I was tempted to put her in the dark. The problem is it is not consistent around the plant. I am finding the ambers more in the smaller buds than the tall colas. Friday is Day 70. I might put her in the dark then. Some of these buds showed 20% ambers, but also were right alongside clears and cloudy. I still have too many fresh pistils I think.

To my mind, this plant is looking pretty good. I still believe I see new pistils. They are straight and the lightest green color. So when I see 'Wait till all pistils turn orange' I don't think that will happen anytime soon. Buds are supposed to get bigger day after day. Yields increase but quality can go down waiting too long. Torn on too much reading, I think. :)


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