
So first week of germination is almost over. And I feel all in all I am maybe a little behind. Don’t seem to have achieved much growth.
I germinated the seeds using riot cubes & propagator pro kit. I wasn’t totally sure of what conditions they needed so they were probably a bit too cold and not getting enough light.
Of three seeds I have one that has properly shot out (which is the Dutch passion one- Banana Blitz).
One has kind of half popped out but is stooped right over, and the other only came out a tiny little little bit, like the seed had just split open slightly.

Today after 5 days I decided to re-pot into the coco as the cubes were looking pretty wet and I could squeeze drip of water out of them. (Bear in mind I didn’t water these, I placed them in to of a layer of perlite with about 5mil of water) I decided to put the 3rd seed that barely opened in a new little pot too, just in case it does still want to open up.

all in tent today with the right conditions. Light is approx 14in away. RH fluctuating around 70% Sometimes up to 73. Temperature is around 25c (75F). Having a hard time keeping the temp down so may need some bigger / more powerful cooling fans, but will see how we get on.
Gave them their first water after repotting. Just enough to damp the coco slightly around where they’re planted, and mixed in the tiniest drop of Biobizz grow (about 1ml in a 500ml jug)

looking forward to see how they gotten in by the morning if there’s any visible difference as they haven’t done much in the last 24/48 hours.


Week 1 coming to the end. Seen a good bit of progress but can’t help comparing to other peoples grows at this stage and thinking mine look tiny. The smaller one seems to be making good progress this week though.

The leaves on the larger one are very bright green in the centres near the stem. Have been lightly spraying with plain water and poring a little bit in the pots when it feels dry.

will update again this time next week, hoping to see some full leaves come through !!


Coming along nicely :)

So I think I was previously over estimating the amount of time since I planted as I am now two weeks to the day judging by the time stamps on my photos.

quite happy with progress so far. I’ve been feeding 500ml per plant with 2ish ml/l of bio grow & 1ml/l of calmag every couple of days and they seem happy. Today I fed them both about 750ml each as the coco was looking a bit too dry.
R/h is about 65% sometimes up to 70% but cant seem to lower it, I tried leaving a small gap in the zipper to let air in - also tried keeping all vents tight shut and couldn’t change it - so think a dehumidifier needs to be purchased.
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