First Grow


First Grow

The purpose of this thread is to document my first (legitimate) attempt at growing,...really anything by any method, so needless to say the learning curve is likely going to be pretty dang severe, so time to buckle up I suppose. I am growing Gorilla Glue by Fast Buds and a White Widow by Seedsman (most likely anyway.)..more on the WW later. I am growing in Organic soil, using Dr. Earth Black Label Homegrown soil with Dr. Earth Organic Fertilizer (to start anyway). I chose the paper towel method, with planting the germinated seed directly into the final pot (5 gallon). I am growing in a 2X4 tent, using a L1000 Viparspectra light (150 watts from the wall).

So for now I will post a few of the pictures I have taken. I plan on adding descriptions and a narrative of the many mistakes lessons I have learned. So if the number of "lessons" I have learned so far is at all indicative of future lessons this could potentially get quite wordy, so If I need to contribute to a new server or something just let me know. Seriously though I will add to the descriptions later, but as you will see by pics I have one girl which is not doing well so I will need to find the right place to post about that issue here shortly before I add much here. Just trying to figure things out for now.

Catastrophic Event on Day 37?

So my clumsiness reared it’s ugly head again today. While trying to move the light up away the from the WW (center)2F090344-2299-4697-A65F-6D857A63DD0C.jpeg which had grown within 8 or 9 inches from the light, the carbon filter took a tumble, damaging 3 branches on the WW and nearly severing the main cola of the GG. Applied honey and a bandaid to the GG and pruned the affected branches on the WW. Not too hopeful for the GG, WW may be fine.

Week 1

By breaking ground on January 8, this unexpecting Gorilla Glue seedling (for no fault of her own) was awarded the not-so illustrious title as the first plant of my first grow. I germinated 3 seeds using the paper towel method. By germinating in less than 20 hours the GG seed was the first, with the Northern Lights and White Widow seeds both germinating the next day. The Northern Lights (I believe) seed was a casualty of my clumsiness, eventually perishing due to the injuries obtained from a significant fall (drop). The
WW seedling broke ground two days after the GG.

Both the GG and WW seedlings survived the first week, despite being nearly starved and drowned in the same week.

*note that there is a possibility that the WW seed is actually the NL seed... things got a bit hectic once my butterfingers took over.

Week 2

Plants continued to recover from my previous mistakes while hopefully avoiding any major damage from my current mistakes.

Added molasses to watering for the first time
Dusted with cinnamon early in the week

Fun facts and other lessons learned this week.

  1. My tap water has TDS reading of 450 ppm
  2. My tap water is actually over 500 ppm after being aerated for 24hrs to remove chlorine.
  3. Cinnamon may or may not help to prevent dampening off.
  4. Cinnamon may or may not kill beneficial microorganisms

Week 3

Once again just tried to correct previous mistakes while limiting new ones.

Started weighting pots so I can get a better grasp on watering.

Sprayed with Neam Oil due to rust spots
Did first trimming of leaves, removing most the damaged leaves.

Finished week with top dressing of Gypsum, epsom salt, Dr. Earth Flower Girl, and additional soil.

Week 4

Continued to manage watering by weighing pots.

Alternated adding molasses to filtered water
Limited success with my LST on main cola of gg to try to keep it from blocking the other bud bud sites so badly.

Week 5

GG is now in flower
WW is now larger than GG for the first time
I still managed to overwater a bit, so I am waiting a few more days until I water again.
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Excited to see the progress as I'm about to begin and outdoor grow with the same strains AND an Early Miss strain. My first grow as well.

Blog entry information

Read time
3 min read
Last update

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