Completed F|T|F Growery: Ace Seeds Bangi Congo x Panama High Density

Day 19

Going in to a long rant in a bit about fertilizer but before that I need to explain how I fucked this grow up.

When I was doing my whole cloning procedure I ran in to a few issues. The first was that the space was too tight and clones kept developing mold so I lost a bunch because I didn't remove enough leaves. The second reason was that since I took clones at several different times the uniformity was really off leading to my current situation. I have about 9 clones that probably won't produce much of anything with another dozen or so that won't perform as well as they could have. Had I vegged everything out for another week I might see less issues but lessons learned since this is my first SOG. Currently getting cuts of Zamadelica x Kali China that I will veg out longer and since they have less branching and a more columnar structure they may work out better for the time being.

Now to my review of Greenleaf Nutrients Mega Crop after two years and two versions -

For around 4 months or so I haven't had clients because I was getting tired of dealing with everything I had going on in life. I've spent more time thinking about how I grow and how I want to grow leading me to realize some things. I'm divorcing Mega Crop not because it isn't good or doesn't work but because it doesn't suit any of my preferences aside from being inexpensive and that isn't enough reason to keep using it.

I've used MC exclusively for two years aside from testing another company's product one time, I'm not fond of MC in the long run. Going from decent tap to bad tap to commercial RO system and still only getting good weed - I shared my most recent harvest with some people and they echoed my internal fears of my weed being just good. This Original Amnesia I'm smoking just needs a cure but still feels like it could be better in some small but fundamental ways and though the high is fantastic something is missing. It is to the extent that I have given friends cuts that have tasted, smelled, and smoked better despite not being cured or being shorter into the cure than mine. They use different nutrients, one uses the same medium, but we are all hydroponic on RO or decent tap yet mine is lacking. Could it be my skill? I don't discount the possibility but my best weed has never been fondly remembered as being cultivated with Mega Crop.

Root growth has been a major issue for me as I believe a strong root structure leads to excellent top growth. Mega Crop doesn't give me bad roots but I do not get amazing roots. Version three in it's two part formula is vastly superior to version two but still no cigar and in my experience, the roots I've grown for the past two years aren't the best. Compared to some previous products I would say the current roots I grow are a cause for concern.

I don't hate Mega Crop and as a member here frequently states - Fertilizer companies spend millions to develop these products - I don't disagree but lots of money doesn't equal money well spent and lots of money doesn't equal a quality product. With that said, I encourage anyone who is on a budget or just wants to try MC to purchase a bag. It may become your fertilizer of choice but it is not mine. They are a responsive company and the product is well thought out, I don't doubt it works, I've used it long enough to believe that it works. If it was the only fertilizer available I would grow with it but having tried other products I am not impressed enough to continue buying it even if it saves me money. I don't have the same vitriol for nutrients in a bottle that others do so I will be returning to bottles except for my supplemental dry salts. I do not regret purchasing MC, hated the clumping of V2 but I grew good weed with it and this will be the last time I grow more weed with it.

TL:DR I'm divorcing Mega Crop and switching back to Botanicare's Pure Blend Pro Bloom/Liquid Karma and going to try out Tribus in conjunction with my N/P/K/Yucca/Si supplements. I just so happen to sell all these things on my site lol.

Next page: Day 24
Previous page: Day 15


I had a project in mind this is different never tested out. But what if you LST a plant main stem on the soil surface then cut sidebranches halfway so that they are still on the mainstem but half of it is cut. then put some root stim. and bury the sidebraches in the soil, so could the sidebranches start actually make roots and be half attached to the main stem??

Do you want to test this out?

Very nice looking btw! ;)
I had a project in mind this is different never tested out. But what if you LST a plant main stem on the soil surface then cut sidebranches halfway so that they are still on the mainstem but half of it is cut. then put some root stim. and bury the sidebraches in the soil, so could the sidebranches start actually make roots and be half attached to the main stem??

Do you want to test this out?

Very nice looking btw! ;)

Sounds kind of like air layering and would probably work out but idk of any particular benefit.

Can't test out much of anything for awhile, sorry.

Thank you.
Sounds kind of like air layering and would probably work out but idk of any particular benefit.

Can't test out much of anything for awhile, sorry.

Thank you.

The benefit would be that the new sidebranch starts making new roots but still attached to the mainstem and it would get nutes from both ways. and would spread nutes evenly and better. just thinking idk. Was wondering if this could be done to an auto and get bigger yields.
The benefit would be that the new sidebranch starts making new roots but still attached to the mainstem and it would get nutes from both ways. and would spread nutes evenly and better. just thinking idk. Was wondering if this could be done to an auto and get bigger yields.

I can't say that would provide any tangible benefit. If you aren't reaching 75g/sqft there's more yield to be gained through various other methods.

It takes 1-3 weeks to root a cutting, in that time many autos would be transitioning to stretch or flower. At this point, if I want more yield I grow more plants.
I can't say that would provide any tangible benefit. If you aren't reaching 75g/sqft there's more yield to be gained through various other methods.

It takes 1-3 weeks to root a cutting, in that time many autos would be transitioning to stretch or flower. At this point, if I want more yield I grow more plants.

I was thinking also that when u cut the sidebranch halfway, it wouldnt stress that much and could continue growing and getting nutes from the maim stem while same time developing nee roots for the sidebranch. I thought about this because on my auto ultimate grow 3 years ago the lowest sidebranch cropped itself halway, slowly I think and developed some roots there, it looked very weird. And at the end of the grow that sidebranch looked like a new mini auto lol. It was 3x the size of other sidebranches.
I was thinking also that when u cut the sidebranch halfway, it wouldnt stress that much and could continue growing and getting nutes from the maim stem while same time developing nee roots for the sidebranch. I thought about this because on my auto ultimate grow 3 years ago the lowest sidebranch cropped itself halway, slowly I think and developed some roots there, it looked very weird. And at the end of the grow that sidebranch looked like a new mini auto lol. It was 3x the size of other sidebranches.

I don't really know. I don't like training plants and I grow autos 20% of the time lol

Try it out though. Might pioneer a new technique
These guys around here veg their clones for a few weeks before flipping. Also, the cuttings have minimal leaves on them. The larger leaves they cut half or so off each leaf. Get that energy to the roots. Thanks for tagging me as I don't go looking for blogs :smoking:

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