Completed F|T|F Growery: Ace Seeds Bangi Congo x Panama High Density

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SOG Cycle 1

Current cycle is just about to end and I'm satisfied with the amount of clones I have so far. At the end of the week I will transplant whatever I have. This will be the third time growing this particular pheno and by itself at that. The second run is just finishing and I am consistently impressed by the terps and thick structures it produces even under stress.

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So I'll be running several clones per 5 gallon pot on a 3x3 flood and drain table at an 11/13 flower cycle from start to finish.

Basic run down of my equipment and process below:

Veg tent
  • 4x4 tent w/ 2x 4x1.5 shelves
  • 2x 185w Bridgelux fixtures 3000k
  • iPower 6 inch booster fan
  • Growpito Sim mix
  • Mega Crop
  • Rhizopon cloning powder
  • Axeon Bt2500 RO system
Nothing special here. Basically the way there process starts is in here with several mothers. I use a cloning powder from Rhizopon and the same nutrient solution that the rest of the veg plants are on.

I prefer taking 4-6 inch cuts compared to smaller ones. So I count how many long cuts I can get from each mother and I set a cup of RO water with humic/kelp to the side. After every cut is taken they end up in the cup.

This time around I didn't have time to plant my cuts so they went into the fridge in the cup of humic and kelp.

Later I placed them in these small Grodan 1x1 propagation trays filled with Growpito and soaked in my mother's nutrient solution. They were dipped in Rhizopon after soaking then placed in the medium. Throw a humidity dome and I'm done for a week. Below is the result of 2-3 weeks inside three propagation trays.


Flower Tent -
  • 5x5 Gorilla grow tent 3000k
  • 500w Bridgelux
  • 6 inch Vortex exhaust fan
  • 6 inch iPower Carbon filter
  • 3x3 flood table
  • 25 gallon reservoir
  • Growpito Sim mix
  • Mega Crop
  • Axeon Bt2500 RO system
Harvest will be done this week and hopefully I'll have a minimum of 36-45+ clones to work with. If everything goes well I'll be looking at 36~oz with minimal trimming.

Two Days Until Flower

Clones are looking alive and better looking without the dome. I believe I'll hit my minimum and I'll probably skip any veg time after I transplant.

I fucked up cloning so many without removing more leaf sets and many were attacked by mold. Not completely upset as I think the strongest survived. A few more took root and my harvest is almost done.

I may top them but I'm not sure what I'm going to do beyond transplant. It will be pretty cool to get the first perpetual grow going.

Learned some things on timing and needing a better space to clone but I've created bountiful mothers in the mean time. In the future, I'll eventually incorporate UV into the veg and cloning process but I plan to switch to 4000k for veg and 2700k for flower.


Day 1

I harvested earlier than previously mentioned.

Anyways, 45 clones last night and nothing dead today. They were top watered at a 5.6ph, 2.0EC of Mega Crop with temp at 80f and humidity and 70%

They'll get a fulvic/kelp/silica foliar twice a week for the next three weeks and their first flood in 5-7 days.

Last cycle with these went almost 11 weeks so March 6 2021 is my finish date.

I fully expect some of these clones to die though but miracles happen.

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Day 7

It has been a slow time of transition with most of my growth hopefully occurring at the roots. Of concern are three clones that are either small and or kind of bare. During cloning I ended up with some mold issues and generally weak ones here and there.

I have topped a few clones but not much else has occurred. They have received a kelp/fulvic/silica/yucca foliar at a 4.0ph twice in a week. Irrigation began two days ago with a 5.5 ph and 2.0 EC of Mega Crop/humic/kelp/P/yucca and Growpito Beneficials.

Really need to finish my other journal
F | T |F Growery: Ace+SSSC+Dina+Sannie's+RO Rehab

Completed  F | T |F Growery: Ace+SSSC+Dina+Sannie's+RO Rehab

don't like grow journals, maybe others do, I don't. Welcome to my ACE+SSSC+DINA+RO: Rehab project. Got my RO system, 8ft flood tables for food, and 100+ gallons of Growpito to condition. I'm participating in the Dinafem battle that I am incredibly, severely behind on, and also the SSSC...

As rehab was very successful with a few healthy mothers and a great harvest. So many pictures to process but I do have trimming to do tomorrow as I prefer dry trimming.

Everything goes my way I'll hit 40-45oz or 124-140g per sqft or 4-5oz per sqft. Don't expect three or four to make it or do well but we will see.

It has been super nice to not need to do anything in my grow space. Last grow I did many plants packed together with no PM or growth issues. Light was lacking beyond 1ft into the canopy but I mostly pruned lower branches. I love cannabis and cultivating but it's a droll affair constantly needing to do something.

So far it has been such a simple process

Cut and dip clones into Rhizopon - removing all but two leaf sets

Remove dome after two weeks - keep it moist during this time

Transplant clones after harvesting - top water on transfer

Flood twice a week or so - fill reservoir every other week

Repeat steps 1-4

Otherwise, I'm super excited for GLAs DIY Highlights that I will be pairing with Teknik's Buddies. I'm a light snob I must admit lol

Also, sale of 15% off at from today until January 12 with code AFNFAM - I do still need to add Horticulture Lighting Group's lights and Apogee's meters to the site - still working on vendors but I haven't made much money yet lol.

Shout out to @DCLXVI and @ArchieMeatus for being my first customers


Day 15

Vast majority of the clones are looking good with about 5 that are suspect. Being that I've never done this before there is concern with not vegging. I have topped a few trying to keep everything level but pre flowers are playing tricks on me.

I knew going in a lot would depend on my cloning efforts. Fully expecting this to not be the most satisfying run but my cloning situation wasn't the best.

Middle row is concerning but I'm to either assume roots are developing or growth is small. I have not and do not know what to expect considering I'm not sure if I've seen the stretch.

Everything is receiving a foliar twice weekly and I have maintained high humidity, moist root zone, and vegetative feeding in an effort to steering vegetative growth until I see flowering really happening.


Day 19

Going in to a long rant in a bit about fertilizer but before that I need to explain how I fucked this grow up.

When I was doing my whole cloning procedure I ran in to a few issues. The first was that the space was too tight and clones kept developing mold so I lost a bunch because I didn't remove enough leaves. The second reason was that since I took clones at several different times the uniformity was really off leading to my current situation. I have about 9 clones that probably won't produce much of anything with another dozen or so that won't perform as well as they could have. Had I vegged everything out for another week I might see less issues but lessons learned since this is my first SOG. Currently getting cuts of Zamadelica x Kali China that I will veg out longer and since they have less branching and a more columnar structure they may work out better for the time being.

Now to my review of Greenleaf Nutrients Mega Crop after two years and two versions -

For around 4 months or so I haven't had clients because I was getting tired of dealing with everything I had going on in life. I've spent more time thinking about how I grow and how I want to grow leading me to realize some things. I'm divorcing Mega Crop not because it isn't good or doesn't work but because it doesn't suit any of my preferences aside from being inexpensive and that isn't enough reason to keep using it.

I've used MC exclusively for two years aside from testing another company's product one time, I'm not fond of MC in the long run. Going from decent tap to bad tap to commercial RO system and still only getting good weed - I shared my most recent harvest with some people and they echoed my internal fears of my weed being just good. This Original Amnesia I'm smoking just needs a cure but still feels like it could be better in some small but fundamental ways and though the high is fantastic something is missing. It is to the extent that I have given friends cuts that have tasted, smelled, and smoked better despite not being cured or being shorter into the cure than mine. They use different nutrients, one uses the same medium, but we are all hydroponic on RO or decent tap yet mine is lacking. Could it be my skill? I don't discount the possibility but my best weed has never been fondly remembered as being cultivated with Mega Crop.

Root growth has been a major issue for me as I believe a strong root structure leads to excellent top growth. Mega Crop doesn't give me bad roots but I do not get amazing roots. Version three in it's two part formula is vastly superior to version two but still no cigar and in my experience, the roots I've grown for the past two years aren't the best. Compared to some previous products I would say the current roots I grow are a cause for concern.

I don't hate Mega Crop and as a member here frequently states - Fertilizer companies spend millions to develop these products - I don't disagree but lots of money doesn't equal money well spent and lots of money doesn't equal a quality product. With that said, I encourage anyone who is on a budget or just wants to try MC to purchase a bag. It may become your fertilizer of choice but it is not mine. They are a responsive company and the product is well thought out, I don't doubt it works, I've used it long enough to believe that it works. If it was the only fertilizer available I would grow with it but having tried other products I am not impressed enough to continue buying it even if it saves me money. I don't have the same vitriol for nutrients in a bottle that others do so I will be returning to bottles except for my supplemental dry salts. I do not regret purchasing MC, hated the clumping of V2 but I grew good weed with it and this will be the last time I grow more weed with it.

TL:DR I'm divorcing Mega Crop and switching back to Botanicare's Pure Blend Pro Bloom/Liquid Karma and going to try out Tribus in conjunction with my N/P/K/Yucca/Si supplements. I just so happen to sell all these things on my site lol.


Day 24

So official clone count is 15. I'm going to let them grow out so I can learn but I still have have 30 good to great clones. Predominantly through the middle is the largest issue but the entire canopy could be denser overall.

With this cut I think I'll top them once before flowering. They grow so thin with very little leaf.

Not the success I was hoping for but where it do go well looks good.


The last pic looks like I went through and defoliated lol. Seven weeks to go.

Day 27

What I have accomplished so far I am pretty impressed. About 25 quality clones and 15 unsatisfactory but they will be done in March.

Next to will be the Zamadelica x Kali China mother and 40 clones. Really enjoying the SOG with a few tweaks to my cloning I'll be golden. In the future I'll transition all my mothers to .75g pots or 1 gallons so I can grow several at a time. Need to switch over to Rain Science as the fabric pots look gross and I don't have to root trim mothers in them compared to standard pots.

Got a bong

I call her the Alchemist lol. Now I believe I have pretty much quit blunts. Ordered a bong adapter for my Mighty and I've finally been getting high. Like really high.

Anyways, what's doing well is great and what isn't hasn't improved much but it's a nice trial run.


Day 30

Turned the heat up to 88f with the humidity still in the 70s. This may be how I go the entire grow with the strong amount of air circulation I have going. Seeing better growth and probably me not remembering the height needed to reach each PPFD value. I may be over 1000ppfd atm and everything is getting better used. I'll need to order a PAR meter at some point.

So I assumed the above was the reason for many of my issues and lately I've been curious about c02 consumption. I plan to monitor my c02 levels in each of my grow areas based on recirculating vs exhausting.
The other thing was the ridiculous burst of growth I received in my veg tent when I turned the exhaust fan off. Temps rose to 88f with 70ish humidity similar to my flower tent with equally strong air circulation. I saw very little moisture accumulation, vigorous growth, improved color while drinking has slowed down.

I haven't exhausted air in either of my tents in a week with really good growth as this is the healthiest I've seen the BCXP. This is usually how I correct issues in my grows but I wanted to try using less heat and I haven't been satisfied. I'm close to sure these will be 1oz per well developed plant and a 1/4 minimum on the worst ones.

Seeing a light dusting appearing on these cool looking three fingered leaves. Moved the pots around to keep the denseness together. Trying to get a good idea of how a SOG might look overall. They are finishing stretching and it is going to be cool to see how the runtier clones perform. Where the canopy is dense, this pheno is handling the tightness well since there isn't much leaf. Though, I can't remember, I believe less leaf requires more intensity compared to larger broader leaves.

Really enjoying the SOG cycle that is keeping me a bit more consistent. The Zamadelica mother is regrowing to get one more cut and then she will be flowered in the same SOG.

I've grown some of my largest with autos, loved the transition from seed to harvest but this is great. Training without training as I won't have to defoliate, prune branches or so anything besides keep the reservoir filled.

Anyways, pictures. :chimp:


Day 33

Despite everything I messed up on this is the easiest grow I've had.

With my testing growth in my tents without exhausting or intake, growth has been how it should with large healthy leaves in veg.

The flower tent is doing just as well running at 88f/72% and I have even developed a nitrogen deficiency in a few pots. Not going to do so much about it but it's curious considering MC is running at 1.8EC/6.0ph. No tip burn so far or any other issues.

Love the red petioles combined with the three fingered leaves. Some have 5 but they are really small.

No trimming, no training, bi weekly reservoir refills, foliars are done with, and one one more batch of clones need to be propagated. Linda's Seeds may be the ticket, or Seedstockers, for auto SOGs however I still think clones are the only way to do this right. Starting them in 1/4g pots may be the trick to maintaining uniformity but I see too many difficulties over clones while having to buy seeds every time unless you CS and isolate. That way you could acquire hundreds of seeds.

Anyways, pictures!


Day 37

Look how far we've come! 40 days left and a nitrogen deficiency thwarted. Meanwhile in the veg tent, 24x Zamadelica x Kali China clones have rooted with only 16 to go by March

Internodal distance is very acceptable with trichomes forming on the leaves. Imo, this could reflower three times if I went closer to 90 days but two of them gets impressive. The terps are deep and familiar with hints of skunk and fresh ground coffee and an initial oily feeling. At this point whatever mistakes were made are done and all I can do is watch and enjoy.

So far I'm on schedule with the clones and I imagine I will get my 40 clones and also a few new mothers. I'll be flowering my old mother that looks to be splitting through the trunk and has been through quite a lot.

I can't stop hyping the SOG method so far. No trimming, no pruning, just keeping everything hydrated.

In other news, spoke with a supplier about getting DIY LED components so I'm looking at carrying

Bridgelux EB gen 3 in 80/90cri
Inventronics drivers
Meanwell drivers
Misc components


Day 41

This is why I love hydroponics for my indoor gardens. Rewind a bit, past week or two growth had begun to slow compared to other times I grew this. It coincided with the nitrogen issue while at the same time a few plants were displaying downward curled leaf tips. I became incredibly curious as to what was going on adding N and closely monitoring.

Enough time passed without improvement or decline so I dumped the reservoir and made a great batch. 12 hours later growth was going again, terpenes were present, and a few had begun to lean.

Anyways everything is progressing but I am a few weeks behind. Maybe the stress will give me something special. I do now know that I should aim for a more N heavy feed for the first 4-5 weeks.

My Zamadelica mother has finally passed but she gave me ample clones. I have more than enough for my next run.

My bong adapter attachment for the Mighty finally arrived so I am excited to get lifted. Also scoped out my next order of seeds in the form of Ace's Panama x Bangi Haze as I'm pretty disappointed with what I got from Dinafem and SSSC. It would be great if they have a breeder pack though.

Day 45

Couldn't pin down the N deficiency and I don't waste my time chasing issues. Did a flush on everything to discover a 3.6EC and 7.2 pH. It wasn't the most catastrophic lockout I've dealt with but it is enough to compare and know that something is not right.

Forgot to add pictures on the last update but growth has been stalled for a week or two. In that regard there isn't much to be updated on.

Still of the opinion that I will return to Liquid Karma, Pure Blend Pro and Tribus. Not in the mood to add humic/fulvic anymore. Money isn't an issue if I get better quality as these are my personal taste. I did note that I preferred more organics in my hydroponics than not for taste and smell to which PBP and LK were winners.

I'll still do my own PK but I can use LK with fulvic and be fine. A bit peeved with the situation around my vendors but I'm revisiting my cabinets to see what I can accomplish. There's the other issue if whether or not I'll keep my SSSC/Dinafem mothers as I was far from satisfied. Looking for long term strains with my wife urging me away from Landraces into FOTM cultivars...


Day 52

A little bit of growth and foxtailing but this what this cut does.

Got ahold of more BTI as I had inspected my dead ZxK mother and there was distinct black rot through the trunk. So I flooded again and mixed BTI into everything.

Not much going on right now with around 30 days left I'll take my time and see what I get.


Day 56

Still behind in growth but growth is happening. Seeing weight stack on with many leaning until I fixed them.

EC is down to 1.5 with a 6.0ph and the BTI has been applied. Between correcting my water issues and all the problems they fixed I believe me last issue was these fungus gnats.

The inside of some dead plants I cut was blackened and weird issues kept appearing. I think this is due to the gnats. It's been close to a week since I mixed in BTI.

The smell loud, the bud is STICKY, and I'm overall pleased at what I'm going to finish with. Not the frostiest but it isn't something I go for either.

The Zamadelica clones are 36 strong, perfect for my next SOG, however I still need a few for a new mother.


Day 57 - Fungus Gnats & BTI

Yesterday I was tending my mother's when a large branch broke off as I brushed last it. Upon closer inspection it was blackened in the inside as I previously mentioned.

Inside of the black rot were adult fungus gnats hollowing out my stems. This was the final fix and now I can see the endless cycle I was in.

I keep everything over 82f year round and with sub irrigation I rarely saw fungus gnats as they stayed below the pots. Between the heat and moist environments I keep, I believe I was making the gnat problem even worse. So every couple of months a large mother gets sick, I can never understand why and it let to many dead plants. I'd start something new and it would do well then repeat.

The good news is that the BTI began working quickly with new white roots appearing on every treated plant. I do feel bad as the Pineapple Poison from SSSC, Super Silver/Original Amnesia, and some other stuff were probably poor in quality due to being sick the entire time. I'll have to rerun all these in the fall to give them a fair chance.


Day 63

This really didn't turn out between the fungus gnats and the cold. Best temps I could achieve are 70f with the lights on and a heater. Everything has begun to yellow as well. I'm two weeks away from harvest anyway.

I'll be surprised if I get a pound but I have Botanicare's Pure Blend Pro Bloom and Liquid Karma on the way to run semi organic hydro again. Finding the is a lot I can drop straining granules and castings. I decided against Tribus as my Growpito Beneficials/Growpito Blast is a two stage innoculant for veg and flower respectively.

Bright side is I have some new seeds to run while I flower out the Zamadelica x Kali China. I have 36 and I am still in need of mothers but this cold has been oppressive.


Day 67 - Harvest

I inspected the trichomes and saw everything was quite cloudy with no amber. Perfect for me.

The next run is going to be interesting as I have discovered that an infested plants have a unique look. Inside the stems of my sickest plants there was a hole with a darkened yellow look. Fungus gnats suck but I'm still pleased with the end result.

These plants are very sticky and oily with some distinct fruitiness/biscotti/earth aroma. Not as large as they can be but a lot happened. The quality pre cure is better than usual and I have some cobbing to do.

I will say that I am quite pleased with the entire process of doing a SOG. I'm going to make some changes to my grow areas so I can test some things.

Going to do a veg tent and flower tent.

Veg -
5x5 tent
2x 4x1 flood trays on PVC
2x Cree Fidelity 185w fixtures 4000k
1x Cree Fidelity 100w fixture for the clones
4x Dewey Mister buckets
UVA for all three areas
30g reservoir

Going back to aerocloning with Pure Blend Pro and Liquid Karma. I decided against Tribus as my Beneficials support veg and bloom with N and P fixing microbes. I'll have two PVC riser stands for the flood tables and a better area to work in.

For flower -

4x4 tent
3x3 flood tray on PVC
30g reservoir
Cree Fidelity 480w fixture 2700k
UVA+FR initiation

Nothing special but my veg needs a massive revamp.

Thanks for following!



I had a project in mind this is different never tested out. But what if you LST a plant main stem on the soil surface then cut sidebranches halfway so that they are still on the mainstem but half of it is cut. then put some root stim. and bury the sidebraches in the soil, so could the sidebranches start actually make roots and be half attached to the main stem??

Do you want to test this out?

Very nice looking btw! ;)
I had a project in mind this is different never tested out. But what if you LST a plant main stem on the soil surface then cut sidebranches halfway so that they are still on the mainstem but half of it is cut. then put some root stim. and bury the sidebraches in the soil, so could the sidebranches start actually make roots and be half attached to the main stem??

Do you want to test this out?

Very nice looking btw! ;)

Sounds kind of like air layering and would probably work out but idk of any particular benefit.

Can't test out much of anything for awhile, sorry.

Thank you.
Sounds kind of like air layering and would probably work out but idk of any particular benefit.

Can't test out much of anything for awhile, sorry.

Thank you.

The benefit would be that the new sidebranch starts making new roots but still attached to the mainstem and it would get nutes from both ways. and would spread nutes evenly and better. just thinking idk. Was wondering if this could be done to an auto and get bigger yields.
The benefit would be that the new sidebranch starts making new roots but still attached to the mainstem and it would get nutes from both ways. and would spread nutes evenly and better. just thinking idk. Was wondering if this could be done to an auto and get bigger yields.

I can't say that would provide any tangible benefit. If you aren't reaching 75g/sqft there's more yield to be gained through various other methods.

It takes 1-3 weeks to root a cutting, in that time many autos would be transitioning to stretch or flower. At this point, if I want more yield I grow more plants.
I can't say that would provide any tangible benefit. If you aren't reaching 75g/sqft there's more yield to be gained through various other methods.

It takes 1-3 weeks to root a cutting, in that time many autos would be transitioning to stretch or flower. At this point, if I want more yield I grow more plants.

I was thinking also that when u cut the sidebranch halfway, it wouldnt stress that much and could continue growing and getting nutes from the maim stem while same time developing nee roots for the sidebranch. I thought about this because on my auto ultimate grow 3 years ago the lowest sidebranch cropped itself halway, slowly I think and developed some roots there, it looked very weird. And at the end of the grow that sidebranch looked like a new mini auto lol. It was 3x the size of other sidebranches.
I was thinking also that when u cut the sidebranch halfway, it wouldnt stress that much and could continue growing and getting nutes from the maim stem while same time developing nee roots for the sidebranch. I thought about this because on my auto ultimate grow 3 years ago the lowest sidebranch cropped itself halway, slowly I think and developed some roots there, it looked very weird. And at the end of the grow that sidebranch looked like a new mini auto lol. It was 3x the size of other sidebranches.

I don't really know. I don't like training plants and I grow autos 20% of the time lol

Try it out though. Might pioneer a new technique
These guys around here veg their clones for a few weeks before flipping. Also, the cuttings have minimal leaves on them. The larger leaves they cut half or so off each leaf. Get that energy to the roots. Thanks for tagging me as I don't go looking for blogs :smoking:

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Death The Cultivator
Read time
16 min read
Last update

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