Cookies Gelato from RQS

VEG Day 0

This grow will be done using the following:
Up to 450 Watts of adjustable COBs (will be changing these to a Quantum Board type fixture from Mars Hydro in a few weeks)
1500W Oil Heater
RAM Humidifier
50L RDWC system with a BOYU SES-30 Air Pump (this also aerates the tea and another reservoir that I fill 2 days before a water change using a 5 output manifold)
Megacrop v2 (single)
CalMag Pro
Sweet Candy
Bud Explosion
Atamai AtaClean
A 'Heisenberg Tea' using TNC Mycorr Hydro, Molasses and EarthWorm Castings.



The Tea and reservoir are kept at 22.5C (about 72F) to encourage the growth of bennies in the system.

Temperature and Humidity will be controlled:


After a few days in a cupboard, the bean has popped and has been moved into the tent:

Air Temp 25C (apparently this strain doesn't like much higher than that)
Humidity 71%
Water Temp 22.5C
pH: 5.9

No feed added yet, will add that in a few days.

Just a single light running at 13 Watts, about 12" from the seedling
Next page: Dead seedling...
Previous page: Overview
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I Like RQS never had any trouble with them. I also like cobs, good luck.

Cheers bud ;)
My first Photoperiod and I am going to try and fill the tent with it.
Was considering mainlining, but I think instead that I will just top it after 4 full nodes, LST it flat and run 8 branches that way. Some LST and a SCROG net and it should be good to go...
but I think instead that I will just top it after 4 full nodes said:
A man after my own heart. although I prefer 4 plants scrog.
I did just attempt a singleton, but the plants just didnt want to grow wide enough to make it a viable/efficient/profitable grow. probably my own impatience. :smoking:S o back to 4x scrog. I find it the most efficient way to use my small space and remain profitable.
Multiple plants in RDWC is a pain in the posterior unless I run 4 clo... hmmm..... :eyebrows:

i am sure you will get the results you are hoping for, the cookies gelato isnt a big plant as I understand, I think under 150m tall, but indoors and scrogged that should be a good, well spread canopy with LST and topping.

i look forward to watching how it goes.
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i am sure you will get the results you are hoping for, the cookies gelato isnt a big plant as I understand, I think under 150m tall, but indoors and scrogged that should be a good, well spread canopy with LST and topping.

i look forward to watching how it goes.

According to the data sheet for it, Indoor height is 90 - 130 cm.
In a 4x4, that leaves me 50cm of lateral, scrog netted, growth before the plant gets too close to the walls and I flip it, so 40 - 70cm of vertical growth left then in flower.
Should be big enough if I look after her well.
According to the data sheet for it, Indoor height is 90 - 130 cm.
In a 4x4, that leaves me 50cm of lateral, scrog netted, growth before the plant gets too close to the walls and I flip it, so 40 - 70cm of vertical growth left then in flower.
Should be big enough if I look after her well.

seems like good math:smoking:
Think exactly the same way, @Corum59 and I have had this discussion before, I'm way to insecure to just grow one, need back up but wishing you every success because they do say where there's a will there's always a big fat way

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